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Everything posted by Sirius

  1. Sad state of affairs, a few members true personalities seem to be coming to light of late. keep the pics coming iworkwhippets there great to see.
  2. when is a lurcher not a lurcher, when it has collie in it................................................its a jukel or a collie hound IF not it's a cur lol
  3. Who's 'If' ? and is this some kind of special assessment he is offering for collie types, or any dog? Basically can you explain the above it doesn't make any sense?
  4. You're not missing a thing matey, its 'silly season', it starts right after the 'hunting season' every year on here :laugh: Great little vid, I never get sick of seeing a steathy lurcher tip toeing and pre-empting a bolt like that Saying that I think that bitch was thinking a bit too much :laugh:
  5. Where abouts did you go fruit picking? There's hundreds of the b*****ds around here.If memory serves me right was Ayr Queensland picking fecking mangos lol picked fruit in most states, great trip. That brown 'twas a right tiddler nothing big!
  6. We get a fair few adders on the down land type areas. Best place to find them is a nice piece of galv tin sheet which will attract them. Caught a small brown snake once while picking fruit in oz fair few other species too!
  7. I sometimes get more concerned about the 'brains' of the owners than the dogs :laugh:
  8. The brains and quick thinking apart from the benefits in the hunting field (especially ferreting) really helps IMO with training. They are quick to learn and this is a great benefit I have found and biddable. Well it seems to suit me.
  9. Looking in great nick is it the 'meat pies' ? lol
  10. The collie 'Creeping' with head held low and belly close to the ground or stopping like a lion in an ambush, its a very strong trait, and more so in pastoral breeds. Just go watch them in the field working. :yes: You wont get that behaviour displayed anywhere near as much watching some pseudo whippets sighthounds running round a field or a bunch of labradors, that's for sure If I should hazard a guess, its way more likely to come from the pastoral blood running through a lurchers veins than anything else. But I doubt the thread needs to discuss the finer points of breed behaviour, as for
  11. Got some substance about the pup al-right Should do you well I am sure, has it allot of collie?
  12. :laugh:Brilliant! "To all my book dudes: R + L = J" Aye they mentioned Ser Gerold Hightower in the first episode of season 4, when they were reading the Kingsguard book, a little teaser about the Tower of Joy !! Possibly mate, they also mentioned Ser Arthur Dayne, the sword of the morning. He was killed there and all.. Fecking smug book readers :laugh:
  13. I agree I don't use them enough
  14. 'I hate that kid' :laugh:
  15. This made me laugh lol Love the Game of Thrones
  16. I seem to end up using them pretty much at some point during most sessions on stillwaters. However i much prefer the satisfaction of catchingon a well placed dryfly. I always try and adapt to suit the way the water is fishing and what is happening, and sometimes that isnt going to be a buzzer.
  17. A pups always a gamble unless it has a 'catch' dog and a 'kill' dog in the breeding lol
  18. I can't say I would want a dog under 22" or 23" for rabbiting. A nicely built dog of between 22" and 25" is my preference over a tiddler of 20" or so.
  19. Are the collars lined? I think you may also find that having the d-ring away from the buckle useful as they can be noisy.
  20. Been there myself and the break was too bad PTS. 'Twas a sad day, but I couldnt face leaveing him at home after the life the dog had lead before. Hard call to make I can tell thee. Whatever your choice, good luck
  21. Spollie x Whippit, sign me up :laugh: , its gotta be the next big thing!! Shame there's no Suzuki blood in the breading
  22. No full size Bergen for me, a daypack is ideal. Picked up a arktis one a while back.
  23. Gurt lump isn't he! He won't break to easy!
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