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About mick123

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. David Lisset one is about the best out of the ones I've seen so far. However I learnt a lot about me and my dog from a one hour training session with a local trainer. Mick.
  2. Would you trust a random stranger on your permission when your not there? People can always act nice and say the right thing to get what they want. With friends I wouldn't see a problem, but anyone else, is it worth loosing your permission for. I know my permissions haven't come easy. And what would the land owner think? Mick.
  3. Are you taking the retrieve off her straight away when she does come to you? Mick.
  4. Paid £450 for my springer bitch 2 and a half years ago. At the time I was looking they were pretty much all similar prices for what I wanted, and I travelled 150 miles. I wouldn't have paid more and I couldn't afford to anyway. But would I have got a better dog? This was my first dog, let alone first gundog. From what I've picked up along the way and watching other dogs/people it seems to be pot luck to the dogs temperament etc. The rest is down to the training. Mick.
  5. I'm after some spaniel training DVDs, if anyone has any for sale please pm me. Thanks Mick.
  6. Received the gun today. Very well packaged. Took me longer to get in than it did to put it all together! Pleasure to deal with. Thanks Sean. Regards, Mick
  7. Hi, Could you give me a quote for postage please? I've just route planned the drive and its nearly a 300 mile round trip. Regards, Mick.
  8. Hi, Is this single or multi-shot? Thanks Mick
  9. i'm interested and will collect depending where you are? Cheers Mick
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