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scottish hare hunter

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Everything posted by scottish hare hunter

  1. dam was 25 sire was 30 bud top working parents mate of mine bred the litter could give you hiss number
  2. what about 5/8s grey 2/8s deerhound 1/8s collie
  3. is there a poscode for the location thanks
  4. sorry fokes was pissd and thought i would have a wind up
  5. did it once say id want 1 for working???? dont thinkso saw it had a look thought id post about them just incase miby somebody had 1.. and i never herd of them before
  6. Looks like a cross between a stoat and scary spice........ ryt smart a think
  7. anyone have this kinda ferret http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marbled_Polecat
  8. took 2 young and the big hob aswrll bud
  9. see aw your saluki and all that jabby ram thum up your ring utter shite MOAN THE COLLIE GREYHOUNDS
  10. got myself some from sam30009 thanks top bloke
  11. is there a link on the net i could see the programe
  12. i want 1 like that there Why, cos it's pretty? naw been looking for 1 for a while now but keep geting other kinds just because a cant get 1 when im looking for 1
  13. white 1 a greyhond collie 19 months black 1 greyhound deerhound 7 month old
  14. Right now mate your main priority should be to change your email address password as once their in there they WILL find out every other website, on-line store etc. you have joined by your emails and if you have used the same password for all of these then it will only be a matter of time before they get hacked as well... on it the now bud.. why cant (MODERATORS) spot these things ? didnt make any sence lol I have a phpbb3 forum and l know that if you enter your password a certain number of times wrong it will lock your out of your account for a certain time period or indef
  15. Right now mate your main priority should be to change your email address password as once their in there they WILL find out every other website, on-line store etc. you have joined by your emails and if you have used the same password for all of these then it will only be a matter of time before they get hacked as well... on it the now bud.. why cant (MODERATORS) spot these things ?
  16. a hear ya mate just get the :wankerzo4: who try and start bein arseholes
  17. of topic but i want pens like them thr the nuts info plz
  18. i had this done a month or so ago had some posts up after joining then i couldnt sign in again someone was using my name and details
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