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scottish hare hunter

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Everything posted by scottish hare hunter

  1. Copyright Weardale Agricultural Society WEARDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY TERRIER & LURCHER SHOW 2012 All adult classes - MUST be over 12 months old Starting with Child Handling Class (Handler under 16 yrs) TERRIERS Class 1 Border dog 2 Border bitch 3 Border pup (under 12 months) 4 BEST BORDER 5 Lakeland dog 6 Lakeland bitch 7 Lakeland pup (under 12 months) 8 BEST LAKELAND 9 Cross bred dog 10 Cross bred bitch 11 Cross bred pup (under 12 months) 12 BEST CROSS BRED 13 Jack Russell dog 14 Jack Russel
  2. Cant get onto the link for schEdule can [bANNED TEXT] post the times for lurcher show and class schedule. Cheers
  3. Scrap wood from behind tge garage All compartments ar conected. Can be shut off if needed
  4. how did they turn out? They are 10 month now. Shaping up well. His bitch is coming on good. I will tel him to have a look at topic and coment
  5. someone on hear must have or no someone who has bred a 5/8 3/8 grey/beardie collie with a deerhound/grey cross
  6. i wouldnt mind finding more out about the 5/8 greyhound 3/8s collie with the deerhound x being used i have a 5/8s 3/8s myself looking to bread with after winter if anyone has crossed ther dogs this way i would like to know how the pups turned out etc cheers
  7. i wouldnt mind finding more out about the 5/8 greyhound 3/8s collie with the deerhound x being used i have a 5/8s 3/8s myself looking to bread with after winter
  8. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/253550-fell-moorland-show/page__hl__%2Bfoxhall+%2Binn
  9. measure up your materials and make it your self for a quarter of the price
  10. i have a mk3 locator that isnt working in locate it searches up to about 3 feet i am looking to email deben but cannot get an address any help would be great thanks
  11. how is the dog in the second picture bred birddog
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