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scottish hare hunter

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Everything posted by scottish hare hunter

  1. cheers mate take her round afew fields behind the house every morning get her used to ditches etc and amoung the sheep
  2. out awalk earlier and the pup decided it would have a play in the burn
  3. Unbelievable, what's the chances. . know but not a great lose everything paird up and breeding so shel have more than enuf time to recover
  4. live in a built up area out the back tho is into fields theres afeww rabbits kiking about one decided to wander into the garden and mess up the dog
  5. came home injury free had a couple in the bag all was well then as i opend the garden gate my bitch ran flatout into garden and took chase on a rabbit and out the back gate burst both stoppers whats the chances. had a good bash tho she done well on past few months
  6. best of deleting me coz this shit full of shit c**ts we will get you some nice colourful crayons dont worry
  7. brilliant post mate anyone who goes there for a dog in this day and age needs their head looked at You saw your avatar. Lol
  8. any topic you look up about the hunting ban is locked . the ban is a load of shit and you get they programes on the tv making the sport look worse than it is they can get them selfs fuc#ed ok for the rspca c**ts to be putting thousands of healthy dogs down each year but you cant even go out and kill a hare or fox with a dog legally well who's the daftys hear and foxes now attacking children just what you are looking for hope all you anti hunting bast#rds get brought down with deadly diseases fu#k the ban
  9. taking my whippet x image.jpg Hope you have a good one pal cheers pal went out other night with big marty managed couple runs and kills saw plenty game see what the bag brings home tonight remember the sharp knife this time
  10. good luck mate will be out tonight with big mart of hear tonight with these 2 good night for it
  11. What is the breeding behind this one? She's off "johndog", a mix of different border collies and bearded collies and greyhounds. On paper she's 9/16ths greyhound and the rest mixed collie. what age is she mate
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