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scottish hare hunter

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Everything posted by scottish hare hunter

  1. Picked up the brother to my young fawn dog earlier Pretty green still seen enough to know he has some fire in him Happy days.
  2. Young dogs are bang on Doing great. Impressing me all the time now. . Gifted my big dog to help a lad out up north who was left no lurcher. And the sire is getting old and battered looking. On the hunt for a youngster
  3. Anyone know any litters or any young dogs available Could do with another pup for bringing on and couple planned bitches have now long missed coming in season cheers
  4. Daniel has a bitch out your bitch litter tho
  5. hacksaw blade been ma tool most the time. stripping it out by hand The way I have done it then a run over with the blade. How’s the bitch getting on stick a pic on oh her
  6. Before. During. And not finished so get an after later ? Usually strip by hand but by fu#k this thing the mrs produced is great for stripping out She uses it on the horses
  7. Can do her sister whenever your ready ?
  8. Cheers. Pups been taught well from his old man
  9. Not a recent one in better condition. But a should have one of him
  10. Aye he’s a handy animal.. not seen him beat yet before I owned him used to hunt with the fella seen him do plenty. Reason a made sure I took him in
  11. First x Belgian cattle / greyhound. Took him on of a good lad we know asked if we could find him a good home he had to move him on threw som difficult circumstances. Wasn’t needing another dog but couldnt let him go anywhere else
  12. He does more than I wanted him for happy how he turned out
  13. Fawn dog was mad keen very young. Done a few earlier than he should but took it well Brindal bitch. Slower to pick up. But now she’s bang on now. She’s a lot faster than he is. Some slight differences how they do things
  14. And the fawn dog. Same sire Wheaton bull grey. Dam bull grey
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