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Everything posted by HarveyTheHunter

  1. MK1 collar and finder £60 Final reduction MK3M finder with 5 collars £190 Final reduction All working good little bit dirty but what do you expect, need to be gone I will do direct debit transfer pm me if intrested
  2. I have for sale 1 locator and 5 collars all together ill sell for £250. individually Ill sell them for £45 per collar and £70 for the finder. All in good condition bit dirty but ill give them a clean theirs also 2 new collars I brought at a show in the summer witch I've used once and I had the finder at the beginning of last season. Please send me a PM for more info or if your interested.
  3. ferret finder - £70 collars - £50 each (i only have 4 for sale) finder with 2 collars £150 All work very well bit dirtys but barely used! the fidner has ornage insilation tape on it... not cause its broken just so i can tell its mine when i go ferreting with freinds
  4. Got one of my my mk3 finders with 2 mk3m collars all works well bit dirty cause i have used it... will give it a clean. Selling as i just dont need them as i got loads of collars and finders. £190 witch i think is resonable. PM me if intrested.
  5. all for the £110?? ill take it then if thats wat is included in the deal!
  6. i think thats a bit high you can pick up brand spanking new ones at that price from a shop!
  7. I got these 2 top spec rc planes hear 1 has been flown twice other one been flown a fair bit but both in a great condition i just never use them dont know why i brought them but will be £300 for both and they where expencive!!! pm me for details and pics. I would swap for a mk3 magnetic or non magnetic collars, hemp or spun nylon long net needs to be quality with lots of bag but say 12-15 mesh high. or a air rifle pcp will be better with or without scope
  8. hear i got for sale my handmade spunnylon purse nets. the come in high-vis orange, blue, red and yellow all are 15 meshes wide. i said +nets as i counted 81 the other day and i keep finding nets in other places so they will be chucked in for free. £100 +£10 postage wich i think is a very resonable price as most nets go for over £2!! please pm me if intrested
  9. werid question but i have reall powerfully extrealy bassy speakers (vibrate the whole house) and i leav my gun next to it just wondeing if so much vibration could take it outa zero? cause some times ive gone to shoot at something and its moved off.
  10. these nets are made out of spun nylon, theirs 10 yellow and 10 orange 15 meshes wide and 20 meshes in lengh. they come with pegs already attached. nets have been used once most are new and all pegs are a bit muddy. £45 inc postage! pm if intrested please!!!
  11. if you want to sell your shitty nets go make your own add... f**k off out of mine.
  12. well every one charges postage! and some are new and the other have neen used once or twice...
  13. 20+ hours work and they have pegs also i put a high buy it now price cause some people pay tht but ill see what the bids get up to and its 2.25 a net... dont know where you getiing £3 from and you go on say bridport nets 10 of these nets without oegs are £32 not including postage
  14. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320872970098?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 their they are
  15. hand made spun nylon nets i have for sale 10 yellow nets wich are 15 meshes wide and 20 meshes in length and 10 high vis orange nets wich are 15 meshes wide and 19 meshes long. these nets have been used once or twice and in great codition. but the pegs where taken of my nylon nets they are a big muddy.
  16. hi mate what is the mesh size? would like to buy but 14 meshes deep isent many and if they are a small size might give it a miss
  17. can get a new ferret finder from bridport nets and you can get cheaper new nets :/ bit expencive dont you think?
  18. ill have the ferret finder bud mk3M? or just a mk3 either will do but just wondering
  19. but they are so expencive new! i cant find one on ebay or gumtree near me but some on on hear has 1 for me so its sourted
  20. hi guys i really in need of a chest freezer dont care wat state its in so long as it works ok ill take it! i really need one cause i cant take my rabbits down to the pub anymore so i have to travel far to a game dealer and its not worth going their just to sell 10 rabbits and i would hate to waste them! so i really need a chest freezer to store them! i cant go ferreting until i get one! will pay for it but i cant pay out to much!
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