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Everything posted by scrapyardwhippet

  1. can any one tell me the make up of a minshaw lurcher plz
  2. theas are my bedy/whippet/greyhound;s one is 24 half inch and his pup is 24 inch
  3. i will sell them four 20 or 30 pounds but they dont cum in a case as i dont no how to make em
  4. but i will make them and sell them if any one wonts one
  5. theas are sum skining and all purpose knifes i have made and a little cattapult
  6. i went on my ap store the ap is predator call dont no if this will help you
  7. very true they do catch with stile they just make it look so easy
  8. if you have an i phone or any thing like that you can down load them
  9. wher abouts in south yorkshire are you from pal because i live round them parts
  10. the dh/gh/collie/gh in my post was 29 inch and he could pick up rabbits like nothing atb with him nice looking dog mate
  11. you shuldnt let batterys go totaly flat they have a memery so its no good four them
  12. this is my dh/gh out shooting his caty in the woods after a squiral lol
  13. hears a number four sum cheap galve pens.prime weld 01332835406
  14. bedy /whippet/greyhound/poachers pocket ideal easy to train and got a right pray drive wont stop till they catch what they are after
  15. just out four a mornings walk and a quick dip in the rezi
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