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Everything posted by pete123

  1. pete123


    Found one of these cheap local to me would I be able to attach to my scope and use as nv set up? http://www.bestbinocularsforbirdwatching.org.uk/121/
  2. Found one of these cheap local to me would I be able to attach to my scope and use as nv set up? http://www.bestbinocularsforbirdwatching.org.uk/121/
  3. Cheers mate I have found one called zennox night vision scope for a reasonable price local has anyone ever heard of them they retailing at 195 when I looked on google seem quite chunky tho
  4. Hi all looking to do f2f deal im in scunthorpe north lincolnshire and budget of £200 thanks for offers tho
  5. Won't let me on that link says I don't have permission and don't fancy joining the site just to look what was it?
  6. cheers i will do a bit of research i am after on for hunting not just spotting so need to know which one is bes to add onto my hawke 3-9x50 ir scope and also how to do it lol
  7. or if anything better suggested at a price of £200 max
  8. http://www.uttingsoutdoors.co.uk/Product/911/102328/yukon-patrol-2x24-gen-1-nightvision-monocular-24081/#details also would this need extra light to work and how can i add it to my scope??
  9. do you stil have this and can it be added to a scope to use as night vision
  10. as stated above, night vision is something new to me im looking for a kit best for rabbiting (sitting outside of warrens and waiting for em) I dont mind spending a bit to get some good kit looking to do f2f deal near lincolnshire.
  11. I have a full set of Wilson deep red 2, fazer putter and various drivers if you'd be interested in a deal for the night vision?
  12. He was happy enough so all good! :-)
  13. Cheers guys I'll be sure to tell him when he answers his phone!
  14. I thought it was the right thing just hope owner thinks the same too as I don't want to hear that I should have just rang him rather than getting the police out
  15. Hi there just after your views on my nights lamping events. With the wife's permission to be out yet another night taking advantage of my first ever permission I was straight in the car to the field. (previously informing owner i would be there tonight) Nothing unusual pulling up to the gate, parked up rifle out lamp on and away I go slowly through the field every now and then lamp on scanning for those bunnies. The field comprises of 2 very large lakes and a wooded area. Not surprised no sight of any bunnies as this has been the pattern of late. But even more suprised to
  16. Try posting this in the air rifle section mate this is optics etc good luck!
  17. Whilst the posts above will give you detailed info on night vision the basic reply is... No not all night vision can see in total darkness unless you use additional IR illumination. Basically tubed nv units come in: Gen 1 which definitely needs additional IR illumination. Gen 2 which mostly benifits from additional IR but can be used in complete darkness without IR on bright nights and Gen 3 which can usually be used without additional IR to see in complete darkness although this also benifits from additional IR illumination to give eye shine and to spot in shadows on on extremely dar
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