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paul m

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About paul m

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  1. I had a Hancock lurcher that screamed its head off back in the late eighties. It was noisier than the Russells! I gave him away to a friend who lived in the middle of nowhere up in Scotland.
  2. I would just get it out and keep me gob shut. RSPCA will have your bollocks given half a chance. I had a russell that would go to ground on a stripey funny cousin (thats what my Brother calls 'em)in a heatbeat. He was a hard little b*****d too. We've shifted tons of soil in no time to get him out,even though we are members of the FMWTC. Never involve the Powers that be.
  3. Last season I wanted my first 20lb pike out of the R.Soar. Did that. Got a 32 Pounder!!!!!! This season I am looking for a 5lb + chub. They are in there. PB is 4lb 15 oz!
  4. I love fishing the stick. I am on the River Soar and we have some lovely fast glides full of chub. Only trouble is it is in flood(still)and I am working too much!
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