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bigmac 97kt

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Everything posted by bigmac 97kt

  1. R10 is a cracking gun Jake iv not had one mind but my shooting partener has had a few And rates them highly mind My fav in the bsa range was the scorpion t10 What a rifle they were iv had 4 of them 22 and 177 Another is the hw100 hc good on the shooting range and out in the fields Atvbjimmy ???
  2. No not mad Jake but remember even a blind man can shoot a pcp A pcp can make you a top sniper Or make you think you are the trick is to make you a top sniper with a 97 or any springer come to that Then you can feel like your a marksman Pcp, s have no sole it can just about shoot it's self Sounds like some thing has gone wrong in side So a strip down may be the answer If it sounds different some times This is making me think some thing is wrong inside the action Could be a snapped spring Either way only one thing to do and that is stri
  3. I can get less than a 5p group at 200yrds With my gat There doing some thing wrong Practice makes perfect All I can say ????
  4. These may help you deker Just Google How to remove dents from a oak table Atvbjimmy ???
  5. Damp cloth and a hot iron Make sure it's damp mind deker Or it could burn the table Atvbjimmy ???
  6. Is it me or dose it look like a laminate stock but with out it being laminate ???
  7. Birchwood and casey walnut stain And Birchwood and casey tru oil It's a stunning stock mind Not meany beach stocks like that around mind Usually walnut for grain like that Mine has a good grain in it I may strip it down and do mine the same Tom lol Atvbjimmy ???
  8. Jay need a pic of the full stock mate Atvbjimmy ???
  9. Just take a look at this stock lads After a little accident Jay had to strip his stock on his 97kt And just look at the grain in the stock pop now He should be proud of him self He was going to get me to stain and oil it for him but I told him to do it him self as he had nothing to loose If he messed up I'd just strip it down and do it for him You may need tissue mind Atvbjimmy ???
  10. I like the look of the tx200hc And you can't fault the way they shoot But I'm not a big fan of them It's that bear trap that puts me off them and the three loud clicks you get when cocking But they are a very nice looking rifle you can't take that away from it Atvbjimmy ???
  11. Now now Dev That's not fair mate Only 97, s not top of the range sniper rifles I'm not jealous honest ??? Atvbjimmy ???
  12. He is a top lad Jeff Helping me out with the feeders Means a lot to me How's the family Jeff And your self mate It's been a year on Thursday since I lost Natalie (my daughter) Im getting there mate I'll have to pop over soon Jeff been to long my old friend Atvbjimmy ???
  13. Nice lads very nice There not the best for nothing Atvbjimmy ???
  14. ??????????????????????????????????????? Like it ? Atvbjimmy ???
  15. They say his feminine side comes out of him when he is out with the shot guns
  16. Yerr iv been told that as well mitch I'm getting a bit worried As he has offered to take me out on his perm shooting Errr iv got corona Phil sorry I can't make it ??? Atvbjimmy ???
  17. Yerr got it new in the morning And Fecked it at night You should of seen his face I just turned and sayd well I'm away over hear see you back at the jeep later lol It was marked deep real deep It's only a hunting gun anyway he sayd But his face sayd different And that was just the start of it with that rifle Think it went back to bsa twice to be sorted out action wise any way Not the stock Sean sorted that out him self Shit happens nothing you can do about it but learn from it Atvbjimmy ???
  18. He is doing it him self Dev with my guidance I may add I did offer to do it But he wants to do it But iv just been told I'm doing the stain and the oiling of the stock lol Atvbjimmy ???
  19. I'm using fx verminator 177 And knockout slugs that mitch (villaman) so kindly sent up for me I'm so impressed with them I'm going to buy more of them Very accurate out to 60 yrds (not had a chance to test them out ferther yet) But the results up to now are very very good And they hit hard very hard Atvbjimmy ???
  21. This is how Phil likes to go out shooting
  22. It's worse Than that mitch I was told he likes to dress up as a doll ???????
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