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bigmac 97kt

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Everything posted by bigmac 97kt

  1. Well it's between the new s510 tactical in 22 Or the vixen in 22 My head is spinning either one will get you covered in red dots off plod But feck it I'm having one of them Going to put one away this week Either way Both around the same price 1400 notes Atvbjimmy ???
  2. Cheers flat top Jaybo has just ordered them for me Thanks mate Atvbjimmy ???
  3. As some of you know iv bought a new scope in camo I just don't want to put black scope mounts on it (supply, d with the scope) Iv been looking for camo mounts for it but can only find one piece mounts at £89 need a 2 piece mounts for them and don't want to pay 89 quid for them ether lol Can any of you send me a link to where I can get them from Atvbjimmy ???
  4. That's where I first seen it Phil I really like the look of the rifle mind Mind ill probably get covered in red dots when some one see, s it and calls plod lol Atvbjimmy ???
  5. I like the look of it Phil But I'd like the vixen long But not sure if the long is only fac don't know if they do it in sud 12 Atvbjimmy ???
  6. All sold out or not in stock yet What you think lads Got some good reviews this
  7. It's old school ret just a simple cross hair with mill dots None of this ffp stuff there putting out now (can't see half of them lol) That's what I liked about it Simple and cheap Atvbjimmy ???
  8. Not in my life time It was a gift off si that rifle its going nowhere Jason Atvbjimmy ???
  9. Had my eye on this scope for a while now So went to the range today and bought it Don't know the name of it but its German made And got the old ar on the front of it Know a couple of lads that have this scope and they swear by them All camo as well Mill dots and ir I thought why not at £89 Atvbjimmy ???
  10. Yip and it may stop u getting a clip across the napper for putting the lamp beam in front of me ? Atvbjimmy ???
  11. Got that scope from the shooting range I use jake £110 ir ffp Thought it was cheap for what it was Glass is nice and clear mind Think Jay has shot that rifle more than me lol Atvbjimmy ???
  12. Best thing to do Jake Shoulder a few mate see what fits you best It's no hard ship if its just the spring it's a two minute fix Nothing to worry about Let me know how you get on Jake Atvbjimmy ???
  13. It can get expensive very expensive Me and Sean went to the range one day On the way we worked out how much was sitting in the back of the car 6 rifles each all top of the range same with scopes and all the gear We stopped counting at 6500 notes We did not want to know just how much we had spent Must of been next to 10k Sitting in the car And that did not count the rifles we had back at home ?????
  14. Told u not to buy it And as you lads know I bought the kral off him Funny iv not touched it since I got the fx verminator mk2 back ??? Atvbjimmy ???
  15. R10 is a cracking gun Jake iv not had one mind but my shooting partener has had a few And rates them highly mind My fav in the bsa range was the scorpion t10 What a rifle they were iv had 4 of them 22 and 177 Another is the hw100 hc good on the shooting range and out in the fields Atvbjimmy ???
  16. No not mad Jake but remember even a blind man can shoot a pcp A pcp can make you a top sniper Or make you think you are the trick is to make you a top sniper with a 97 or any springer come to that Then you can feel like your a marksman Pcp, s have no sole it can just about shoot it's self Sounds like some thing has gone wrong in side So a strip down may be the answer If it sounds different some times This is making me think some thing is wrong inside the action Could be a snapped spring Either way only one thing to do and that is stri
  17. I can get less than a 5p group at 200yrds With my gat There doing some thing wrong Practice makes perfect All I can say ????
  18. These may help you deker Just Google How to remove dents from a oak table Atvbjimmy ???
  19. Damp cloth and a hot iron Make sure it's damp mind deker Or it could burn the table Atvbjimmy ???
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