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bigmac 97kt

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Everything posted by bigmac 97kt

  1. Iv been looking at the reximex ixia Looks more or less the same as the impact And you can change the barrels mag and pellet probe on them as well Been watching vids on it all day With good results Mmmmmm now I don't know lol Mind at £698 ish much cheaper than a impact Atvbjimmy ???
  2. View Advert Westhunter ffp scopes 4x16x44 Just can't get on with them Only had them three months or there abouts Comes with side wheel Mounts (silver) Sunshade £75 Must be collected Atvbjimmy ??? Advertiser bigmac 97kt Date 05/02/22 Price £75.00 Category Optics, Night Vision and Thermal Imaging  

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    Just can't get on with them Only had them three months or there abouts Comes with side wheel Mounts (silver) Sunshade £75 Must be collected Atvbjimmy ???


  4. Well sick now of cleaning it every two days And did not want to lacquer it so Back to black it went Had to paint the action as this rifle had chemicals dripping all over the action and for the hell of me can I get the blueing to take on it At the end of the day it was a shed find and don't know how long it was in there for or what had been dripping on it I'm lucky that the paint took to it Lol Scopes are going as well ffp westhunter scopes just can't get on with them So there going with mounts as well lol Atvbjimmy ???
  5. Well sick now of cleaning it every two days And did not want to lacquer it so Back to black it went Had to paint the action as this rifle had chemicals dripping all over the action and for the hell of me can I get the blueing to take on it At the end of the day it was a shed find and don't know how long it was in there for or what had been dripping on it I'm lucky that the paint took to it Lol Scopes are going as well ffp westhunter scopes just can't get on with them So there going with mounts as well lol Atvbjimmy ???
  6. Errr iv bought that awful kral thing Phil But iv got plans for it lol ???? Atvbjimmy ???
  7. Well sorted his scope out for him took it off lol And replaced it with my new camo scope And a new set of mounts Gave him the rifle after I fitted my carbon fibre pod to it as well Put a target up and he blew the bull out of the target told him to empty the mag into it nearly every one was pellet on pellet Only 18 yrds but its on point now Told him what to do as its probably going to be off at 30 to 40 yrds REMEMBER THERE MINE WHEN I WANT IT BACK NO MARKS OR SCRATCHES ON SCOPES OR POD no pressure like ??? Atvbjimmy ???
  8. Well if using a tree as shooting sticks I'll not argue with you I mean if you can carry an old tree around as shooting sticks Don't think any one will argue with you lol ????? Atvbjimmy ???
  9. Just redone the sticks I made Cost me 6pound And work very well indeed Over the moon, O and I do have a proper set of shooting sticks but these ones are for hide shooting on the squirrels Atvbjimmy ???
  10. There a cracking rifle Brummie made as well the old ones Not like the ones made in Turkey There a very underestimated rifle Atvbjimmy ???
  11. Cracking rifles Bryan Iv had 5 or 6 of them all brummie ones all single shot And all accurate as hell Still got one now would not part with it It's on lone at the moment but should be back this week Atvbjimmy ???
  12. I'm very surprised at the both of you Mitch you more than any one pushes the ultra and I have to agree It is a good rifle up there with the best and now they have brought out a new one limited edition With a side leaver and gray laminate stock yes a high price tag But some people don't mind paying that and as for shot count Phil don't most manufactures Say that about there rifles only to find they do not and the ultra has all ways had a low shot count anyway But we all put up with it as its such a good rifle Now Phil the crown is a cracking rifle
  13. Much much better class of rifle And not a lot can argue with that Tried and tested for years Is the s400 Not that me and Sean had out to do with your decision ??? Atvbjimmy ???
  14. Black guns do matter It's just the red dots off the plod I worry about ??? Atvbjimmy ???
  15. No not yet But have put a kral high cap in 22 Away It just took my eye and if it is as good as my kral jumbo in 22 I'll be a happy man lol Atvbjimmy ???
  16. Welcome gky You got some good rifles there my friend all but the hw110 But each to there own lol Mitch has hit the nail on the head Try some of them But remember to come back on and let us know how you get on Some new guys come on ask a few questions then never come back on again once they get back what they want Any way welcome to the nut House And the mods are nuts as well There OK lol Just a bunch of twats really Especially that walshie ? Atvbjimmy ???
  17. They will say its his foult You watch mitch went thro the same shit And his was a new rifle too Atvbjimmy ???
  18. Yip that's him Mitchs best friend is he not ????? Atvbjimmy ???
  19. GAYSTATE dose that to people IV GOT A REAL AIR GUN NOW AND YOU ALL CAN F OFF I'M A MAN NOW They can all dream can't they Hate that little creep on all the airgun shows for GAYSTATE Can't remember his name now You know the one with the poppy out eyes like he has some thing stuck up his ass Atvbjimmy ???
  20. I need to shoulder one Phil need to see if it's going to fit me Don't want to feel hunched over it if you know what I mean But on saying that I'm going to use it as a squirrel gun My head is in bits iv got that many rifles I need to look at and shoulder To see if any of them fits me Atvbjimmy ???
  21. You got it in one lol Put my new camo boots on They now look like old boots covered in mud I was slipping and sliding all over the place even on flat fields lol Atvbjimmy ???
  22. Stevie it was a canny night But fields were water logged Sinking in on every step you took So when you saw a rabbit it was off soon as you took a step And the bloody wind lol Atvbjimmy ???
  23. Only the one tonight lads Sent Jay out to get it with the Vermy and the 008 Ranged it at 75 yrds he came back to me and sayd it was 75 yrds He did not feel up to it So I got the rifle off him and jumped the fence closed the gap to 39yrds Took aim and let the slug go it just folded One in the bag Turned very windy to windy to be honest We did have a look round mind fields to wet at one point thought I was going to need a boat lol Atvbjimmy ???
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