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Everything posted by amentalcat

  1. Please someone buy her, 'cos i keep lookin' - thats a cracking looking little pup! Ali
  2. However it happened, i'm really sorry about your mates pup. Awful thing to see a dog in pain. Alison
  3. Hate to put a spanner in the works, but in my experience there IS a difference between colours, especially when it comes to working Labradors. I have found that most of the chocolate Labs take a bit longer to 'grow up' than the Blacks and Yellows, probably due to the fact that a lot of people were breeding for the chocolate colour, rather than the working ability. This also meant that up until recently, Chocs tended to be physically larger, especially the dogs. This is slowly changing and you can now find some good working chocolates, but you'll need to do your homework. Best of
  4. Not looking for one at the moment, but he's a fantastic looking pup! Whoever buys him will be getting a right cracker . Fantastic litter - well done mate Ali
  5. Just wondered, is the young bitch spayed? I'm guessing not as she is still pretty young. Maybe she is getting ready to come into season and this is making the dynamics of the group change. She would be going from a puppy to something worth 'fighting for'. Its only an idea, but i know when my cocker came into season for the first time, both of my dogs (both castrated) were a bit grumbly with each other. Best of luck with it mate. Ali
  6. Should be called 'Irish Terrors', not terriers Have a bit of a reputation for scrapping with other dogs though so don't know how well they'd work with other dogs around Nickname is the 'Red Devil' and its well earned! Cracking dogs on their own though. Ali
  7. Hiya, To be honest i don't think the flat/apartment is the issue. I would be worried about the time that the dog would be left on its own. 8 hours is just too long unless you want a real mess when you get back. Cockers, especially workers are clever little whotsits and if they get bored, they will be in all sorts of mischief. If you had an outside kennel it would be a different matter, but unless you have someone that could come in and give it a walk/toilet break, i think it wouldn't be very fair on the dog. Only my opinion! Ali
  8. Sorry to hear about your little bitch - have to admit its not something that i think cockers are prone to, specially not workers, just her rotten luck. Nice to hear that she'll stay with you whatever happens,(you softy!) you never know she might still be able to go out or if not she can give loads of tips to the pups! Keep us updated of her progress, i'll keep my fingers crossed for her. Ali xx
  9. They're looking really great, nice looking litter! (especially that chunky liver and white in the last pic) Ali
  10. Hello all! Just wanted to say hi to you all. I'm Ali from Herts, and currently have 2 working labs and 2 working cockers (+ a husband and 2 teenage boys). I have just started shooting (Airguns and target pistols) at the grand old age of 40 something. I was a dog trainer for years and also have done a lot of dog fostering, mostly working spaniels that have been bought by numptys 'cos they look nice! My youngest dog, working cocker Fred came to me with a pedigree full of red, having been kept in a flat, not walked and fed rubbish food for most of his 8 months - to say he was a bit ne
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