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Everything posted by lurchergirl2

  1. Wow Poacher nearly 18 thats fantastic!!, must have been a great dog, i think we all have a few tales to tell don't we, well if mine makes 18 it will truely be a miracle, the things he's survived have been incredible!! will try and post some pics but having difficulty at the mo!!
  2. Hi i am interested to know opinions on which of these crosses it more trainable and is less nurotic as only collies can be, the border/greyhound or the beardie greyhound?? I have owned a collie/greyhound x bedlington/whippet who was by far the best dog i've had, the bed/whippet was a george kelly bred dog, do these still exist??
  3. Hi everyone just found this lurcher forum and enjoying reading posts!! We have 2 hancock lurchers, one of which has had hell of a life through injury and illness, 18mths ago we thought we were about to lose him when he had liver failure, but after medication and a very expensive diet he has amazingly made a full recovering surviving on 30% liver function. Has anyone else had the same happen to there dogs, he fell ill in the october and we were told he would just make xmas, 2 xmas's have now passed!! he also has spondylosis in his spine and arthritis in his hips, he is now 11yrs old, are we jus
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