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Everything posted by lurchergirl2

  1. gorgeous looking litter, well done to the mum!! can't wait to see that merle in a few more weeks, promise you'll keep updating the pics
  2. I use Advantix from my vet lasts 3mths, is mostly for ticks but will keep fleas away, my dogs never pick up a tick once they've had it on as long its used regulary, the best i've ever used for reliability
  3. [been following this thread, congrats to all!! glad all is well, looking forward to the pics!!
  4. Hey spotty backed big rack, thanks for your comments i see you have then gone on to insult tedds dog to, after he very kindly agreed with your comments on my dog!! your a real gem aren't u!! were's your pics of your dogs then, everyone is entitled to an opinion only some should not aired unecessarily!!!
  5. So true lurcher.man i suspect i wouldn't be far wrong in saying they are anti hancock dogs and these types of comments make them feel better!!!
  6. I can assure ugly she certainly is not, i expect your dogs are pure beauties are they!!!
  7. hit it on the button there mate And your point is...........
  8. Well had Harley out for some jumping practice tonight, put her over a little bench at first no problem, then a bigger park bench sized bench again no prob, then i tried over a rod stand at the local river, don't know if anyone has seen these i expect some of you must have , big gap underneath stands about 3-4ft high, but..... managed to entice her over even though she got her legs in a bit of a knot!!! very pleased with her!!
  9. thanks for your thoughts!! i am happy with her the size she is anyway, our other dog is 25 tts and sometimes its just to big!
  10. [ thanks lurcher.man, she's a hancock dog 3/8ths collie x 5/8ths gh
  11. Hi anyone got a pup from hancocks, born 31st oct 2009, would be nice to see litter mates of my bitch she is out of a bitch called bubbles and sired by tweedledum.
  12. Hi this is my 20mth old bitch she'll be two on halloween!! she stands 22tts, do think she will grow more or just fill out, we were told she should make 25 tts but am happy with the size she is all the same, the pics show her at 1 yr old and then from march this year in the snow!!
  13. Ha Ha no not a pink barbie, it is my daughter's hand reaching up to her as she's stood on top of a round bale of straw and she's wearing a pink jacket!!!! Spot on with her cross she is exactly that!!
  14. thanks for helping me get pics on here have finally managed it and put a couple of my young dog in the original help post!!
  15. thanks!! will get some more up and some of my older dog!!
  16. thank you guys have put pics on photobuckets, right clicked to copy but no paste option when i go back to hunting life??
  17. Thanks so much for that, fab video, what a jump in the end!!! super dog!!
  18. Hi i wld like to post some pics of my dogs but my when i try to load them on it says they are to big?? can anyone help me post them successfully??
  19. Yeah thanks born to run, we have tried ignoring her and walking off she just barks and looks for another way through, we have tried laying an arm over the fence particulary wire but she won't take on this approach at all! we have to sweet talk and encourage her and she is rewarded with a treat the other side.
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