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Everything posted by iselworth

  1. hi,now got my fac so still looking for land to shoot on, aint it hard, got a farm in clwyd but not much game, any one in north wales wont rid of there bunnies, cheers
  2. hi there, welcome, where are you located im in rhos on sea
  3. hi, land deemed suitable by the chief officer of policef for the area where the land is situated and over which the holder of this certificate has permission to shoot with this class of firearm from the person by whom the shooting rights are owned, leased or otherwise obtained, this is the conditions on my fac, been told its a closed cert, yes cheers.
  4. got mine last week magic, well done matey
  5. had sgc since 1991, just got fac for .17 hmr and .22lr, now looking for more permissions land to shoot on, b.a.s,c member, north wales, cheers.
  6. hi, thanks for that, i have a bit of land to shoot on, also my mate has lots of shooting permissions, the f.e.o said it woud be ok to shoot on this land, so looking forward to getting my new rifle, cheers
  7. hi thanks chaps, mine says the deemed bit but whats, for the area where the land is situated and over which the holder of this cert has permission to shoot with this class of firearm from the person by whom the shooting rights are owned, leased or otherwise obtained, whew that bit, ta
  8. hi, just got my fac for .17 hmr and .22lr over the moon or what, how do i no if my fac is open or closed, have named land to shoot on but dont understand jargan cheers
  9. sent all forms in for a fac cert three weeks ago check cashed, still not a peep, never thought id worry so much,have i done something wrong on paper work, what if etc am i being silly or what.
  10. hi all, i live in north wales, have a shotgun cert since 1990, just in proccess of applying for a firearms cert,bit nervy but hopefully all will be well, cheers
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