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Everything posted by shotgun..willy

  1. shotgun..willy


    sorry to hear that mate good luck in the future
  2. oops! i know what i meant the vets i said would still be cheaper
  3. sausage and pheasent caserole
  4. well done mate im srugling to get half that in a whole day
  5. my dad just got his two jills done at cromwell vets in huntingdon not sure on price but will find out but i know its cheaper than that
  6. iv got a dvd on ferreting and one of the blokes on there has a bald ferret
  7. ill be there dragin the mrs round the pigeon shooting stands
  8. i am looking for a part from the bsa airsporter ,the rifle is cocked by the under lever then to put the pellet in you have to turn a little lever on the side and drop the pellet in ,i need the the little lever on the side if anybody can help please pm me
  9. iv got a tx 200 good guns but a bit heavy if i had the choice it would be the bsa for its lighness and and reliability
  10. same here tried to decoy them the other week and they flew straight past only bout ten yards out of range
  11. express 32 grams of 6 are spot on for me
  12. i may be completely wrong but i think it is allegal to use a lamp for birds????????
  13. i know most of us wil get the best out of this in feuary but im stiil geting good bags even now is this the same elswhere
  14. thats top notch that
  15. theres a good night club close to where i live does anybody fancy a bit of wild bore shooting
  16. he looks like somthing from red dwarf :sick:
  17. try molcatcher hes a dab hand at making nets
  18. through the season iv was feeding my two jills on a dry food would it be best to leave them on this all year round or give them rabbit when they are not working???
  19. it seems there is a healthy population of stoats in the area so iv out seting plenty of traps
  20. well done nice pics my season is over now it has been a good one though it was my first and couldnt have done it without the advice you lads and lasses have place on here good luck for the next season
  21. i starded to use my collar but now i dont bother my ferrets dont even seem as if they want to stay in the holes all that long
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