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Everything posted by stupot

  1. hi buddy my hob goes very thin this time of year, then winter gets a fat little bugger get him to the vets just incase but i would say time of year mate atb stupot
  2. hi on ebay theres some ferret boxes made from plastic i got one and there great made very well and a great price (even come in camo so them rabbits dont see) very light with bow back hope this helps
  3. hi buddy, if your working it all year round mate there isnt going be be many rabbits left give it a rest through the summer months i understand the farmer wants them gone but just pop down show your face but leave the ferreting alone, it wont take long and there will be loads about again ATB STUPOT;
  4. thats really good of you in what you are doing 100 is alot of ferrets wish i could help but live to far away, good job though and good luck
  5. hi buddy theres a fella on ebay that makes and sells a few really well made boxes mate, single or doubles ATB
  6. hi buddy i got a bsa r10 177. try air arms pellets they seem to do the job
  7. some people instead of putting stuff like this on a forum get the poor thing to the vet????
  8. yeah buddy a friend of mine got a small black(ish) jill not jet black but near enough, the first and only one ive seen
  9. good shooting mate, nice day for it, is that gun on a F.A.C or just a normal 22.?
  10. hi all thinking of getting a greyhound or whippet? for rabbits at night with the lamp, but just wanted to no do you think it would be ok keeping these breed of dogs in outdoor kennels? thank alot stupot
  11. HI ALL,, my jill had 10 kits a few days ago, they all seem heathy its both are first time of having little uns new to the forum so hi to all wish us luck
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