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Everything posted by THE DEALER!

  1. sorry to hear about your dog wilgo tango, with hard dogs that take severe punishment its important to watch the colour of there urine, as this gives you an idea as to how and what the kidneys are filtering or how much stress there under from internal injuries, when the kidneys are under pressure feeding twice in a few hours is not the best thing to do, you did your best for your dog, keeping and working hard dogs is not easy, learning veterinary skills are a must for the after care involved, good hunting and best of luck with the rest of the season.
  2. it would be great if we could all post to please others, i used to enjoy all whins posts, ye ban a hunter, and leave antis on, and open it to the public, fair play to ye,
  3. foxgun tom, why would you post links like that on an open forum, its bad enought guys against us posting clips, without you joining them.
  4. . http://www.tooled-up...ID=74&MCID=1821 USED THESE IN THE PAST WITH A CORDLESS DRILL.
  6. those dogs are a credit to you scruffy.
  8. Now thats what i call terrier work 4, " Dig for Victory", to be honest its a top class book, it was my first time ever seen some photos of some old time terriermen from england. as with each series there are top class photos, good stories, great interviews, its a voice for terriermen like me, and like minded lads. its great value for money and I look forward to Mr. Darcys next one.
  9. so because its been dug before in a stop end, means there is no reason to wait, its still a stop end, is that what your implying ? dont be putting up posts that young members might read and think what your putting up is correct, you better off adding the words " IN YOUR OPINION " to that post above. well i am off digging now talk later.
  10. if you knew your dogs and knew your earths you would not be leaving them in longer than is needed.
  11. why in the name of god would you leave a dog in ground longer than you need to ???
  12. well he would not have much to look at if they turn out like mother.
  13. your living in dream land lad if you think terrier men can produce 90% top class working terriers from a litter, breeding from working lines dont guarantee you working litters, just makes ye feel good and a bit better if its done that way. stick up a photo please or the name of any dog you know please that can or has produced 90 % from his / her litters, and then we will start sorting the wheat from the chaff. lol here we go ... well here 1 for you..litter of 4 russells...there 18 months now..3 working or been dug too just hope they keep at it lol .. 1 hasnt because the guy hasnt pu
  14. come back on here again when you can repeat that again with two other dogs the same age, and from non working breeding.
  15. your living in dream land lad if you think terrier men can produce 90% top class working terriers from a litter, breeding from working lines dont guarantee you working litters, just makes ye feel good and a bit better if its done that way. stick up a photo please or the name of any dog you know please that can or has produced 90 % from his / her litters, and then we will start sorting the wheat from the chaff.
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