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    Born Hunter

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  1. I believe among terrier men you are known as the informant, " tog bog e "
  2. Maybe so but without good breeding behind the dogs in the 1st place you wound not have the good dogs to talk about.Any man can put a dog across a bitch and produce a worker or 2 but to do it consistently each time you breed and to keep the same line of dogs goin takes a bit of know how would you not agree. yes but i would say the working terrier wasnt a product of known 'terriermen' and their lines. but unknown lads who bred worker to worker. well bred bitch to well bred dog gives a high chance of good offspring, even if they are different lines. and i would say a higher percentage of dogs c
  3. Maybe so but without good breeding behind the dogs in the 1st place you wound not have the good dogs to talk about.Any man can put a dog across a bitch and produce a worker or 2 but to do it consistently each time you breed and to keep the same line of dogs goin takes a bit of know how would you not agree. yes but i would say the working terrier wasnt a product of known 'terriermen' and their lines. but unknown lads who bred worker to worker. well bred bitch to well bred dog gives a high chance of good offspring, even if they are different lines. and i would say a higher percentage of dogs c
  4. if you read the post correctly you would know he is talking of two different young dogs, one a dog the other a bitch.
  5. this is why there's so much shit around with a reply like this !
  6. the answer to your question is in the last nine words of your post !!(she is young and has plenty more to learn.)
  7. how many times has the dog been in ground before you dug to him first time ?
  8. I would disagree, a good terrier man would not have to wait 4-5 seasons to decide whether a dog or bitch is worth breeding from.
  9. So the guys he don't know he sells the shit to, how do you know the main problem you have come across in the past is that the stuff never came from his yard ?
  10. fat man, you could never of said some thing that I disagree with so much ! I will explain it in away that some new lads to the sport will understand, as those in the game for many a year will understand what I am saying.. most people think " ALI" was the greatest fighter of all time, but for those that have only seen his last few fights would disagree. dogs and humans peak at a certain age, you cant improve up to your last year of your life, as you age. a lot of what you have done in the past will catch up with you, as it is with dogs and humans. over the years I have seen a few dogs in t
  11. fat man, you could never of said some thing that I disagree with so much ! I will explain it in away that some new lads to the sport will understand, as those in the game for many a year will understand what I am saying.. most people think " ALI" was the greatest fighter of all time, but for those that have only seen his last few fights would disagree. dogs and humans peak at a certain age, you cant improve up to your last year of your life, as you age. a lot of what you have done in the past will catch up with you, as it is with dogs and humans. over the years I have seen a few dogs in t
  12. I could not agree more with your post bobby blackheart.
  13. fat man, you could never of said some thing that I disagree with so much ! I will explain it in away that some new lads to the sport will understand, as those in the game for many a year will understand what I am saying.. most people think " ALI" was the greatest fighter of all time, but for those that have only seen his last few fights would disagree. dogs and humans peak at a certain age, you cant improve up to your last year of your life, as you age. a lot of what you have done in the past will catch up with you, as it is with dogs and humans. over the years I have seen a few dogs in t
  14. i think your correct in your reply, its just you, i am still digging dogs that are ten years plus and fit as fiddles. and have done so till i taught it was correct to retire them, lots on here have seen them been dug.
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