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Everything posted by Amanda-n-chase

  1. Miss T I've missed u  lol xxx

  2. Awww sorry you'll be fine good luck anyway hin
  3. BBC gcse bitesize, I just googled physics gcse revision, hope it helps
  4. Oh god it's been 8 years since I did mine lol there was one site I used but I cannot remember what it was called, I'll see if I can find any
  5. Cheat lol nah joking atb hope u get some decent grades 
  6. Yes you would................. Nope I really wouldn't lol
  7. Every footballer the same duno why people are so shocked lol gotta admit I wouldn't touch one with a barge pole
  8. Had one and got bored but my friend has the blackberry bold and loves it
  9. My home button on my 3GS is about nackered after 1year but got new White 4 so not bothered they not the most resilient thing but I always keep them in cases an have screen protectors on, couldn't be without my iPhone now tho
  10. this is my 6 week old saluki/greyhound, since 'he' took vince I've finally got a pup of my own to bring on, forgot how much trouble puppies cause lol
  11. here my lil man 6 weeks old x
  12. Lol no pheasants haha just my pup think I've found this thing in the app store which I'll try if it don't work I'll try your way thank you 
  13. Been totally thick but how the feck do I upload my pics on my phone onto here without having to use a laptop?
  14. New name cos I cannot remember my password for 'mayhem' it's been a while about 18month, got myself a new pup saluki/greyhound called him chase he's 6 weeks, cant wait to join back in wi the madness haha
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