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Everything posted by beddie.man

  1. hi all can anyone tell me how long i can keep a co2 capsule in a crosman without doing damage to the seals? cheers
  2. crackin looking beddie mate looks very similar to mine
  3. sorry mate didnt see your reply(from last wek) hes around 15 and a half
  4. granitor blackjack and granitor maggie I am working the sister to Blackjack small world eh! my dog was bought for a pet for my girlfriend but im trying to get into the working scene he seems keen and im enjoying it and my girlfriend doesnt seem to mind
  5. What's the parents of your dog? Thanks Hunterscliff granitor blackjack and granitor maggie
  6. its granitor mate im new to the game spanable?does that mean can i fit my hands round its chest! if so yes hes 11 month now he flushes rabbits out of cover/brambles and my mate has a magpie shoot which we shoot at night he makes sure there dead and brings them back but no always in one piece! think he would be good working with a lurcher but like i said in new to this
  7. http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s251/be...an/arch1009.jpg http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s251/be...an/arch1010.jpg http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s251/be...an/arch1005.jpg http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s251/be...an/arch1004.jpg http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s251/be...an/arch1001.jpg see if this works seems a long winded way!
  8. some pics of my pup cant seem to do it(first time).will try again later!
  9. pm for you timmy k reguarding the beddies advertised in cm weekly
  10. there was pup advertised in last weeks countrymans weekly rillington strain
  11. is that a yukon?just read up on them sounds good. wish i had 300 quid burning a hole in my pocket
  12. was that new? what make is it?
  13. cheers for the info lads might look out on e bay for one
  14. has anyone got or had a nv scope on there air rifle? how much does a half decent one cost? would imagine it being good for rabbit stalking
  15. does anyone own a sharp innova and want to sell? had one years ago and had some great fun with it wouldnt mind re-living my youth
  16. hi can anyone answer my question? i have a ten month old pup(dog).he greets other dogs in a freindly manner usually submissive.recently 90% of the dogs have been having a right go at him!it doesnt put him off the next time he sees another he greets it in the same way. is his giving off bad vibes or is it just one of them things .a couple of the owners have said they dogs dont usually do this.i dont want him to start being agressive with other dogs. thanks
  17. hi, are they different types of fac certs? i.e is it easier to get an fac air rifle than a centre fire or rim fire. or is it soon as a rifle is over 12ftlb it is classed as a fac just wondering if anyone knows(im sure there is)
  18. thanks for the advise mate dont fancy driving there from the north only to be dissapointed! is there any kind people out there willing to share there permission
  19. has anyone been or know someone who has been to petes airgun farm?they have 500 arce of land to shoot airguns on and is infested with rabbit and pigeon sounds great but a bit far away for me(its in chelmsford). does anyone know of anything similar in the north or midlands?
  20. ok are they available at 12ftlb?and can you alter the same gun to fac via a gunsmith and is it expensive to do so?
  21. does anyone own or know about the shinsung career 707?
  22. Hello, Granitor dogs are KC reg and have been around for I would think something like 30 years now. They tend to be small, dogs around 15 inches, bitches 13.5 to 14 inches all with dark coats. The dogs are owned and bred by John Holden in the Manchester area. I have seen 2 or 3 of his dogs work fox and they do not have a reverse gear. I had a dog with Granitor Warrior on both sides of his pedigree, not a great finder in large earths but would draw ever fox he met to ground except his very first one. I am now working a 100% Granitor bitch, 14 inches, blue and tan and she mixes it up a
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