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steve t

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Everything posted by steve t

  1. They all angle iron purlins? Surprised they're not replaced with galvanised purlins.
  2. I usually start them on bin bags before I let them see a pedal bin. Seen many a lurcher jib on those snapping lids if entered prematurely
  3. I've found most with there arse hanging out there trousers won't do anything unless they've got the money for you.
  4. Typical of them sort . Always find them the hardest to get paid from aswell
  5. Caught a few black rabbits round roslin good few years ago mind
  6. My mate went for a new job welding in Bristol on his first morning he was asked what team he supported. He replied non it's a shit game designed to keep the proletariat divided and in there place or something like that.when he went to bothy for tea the walls were festooned with Bristol rovers flags and it was all they talked about. They even hired a bus for away games , needless to say he didn't last long there.
  7. I'm thinking of getting the lynx 15 or maybe push to the 19 is there much difference between the 2
  8. Be more likely she'd have a dick and be black
  9. He's only 13 months so done nothing yet.
  10. Wheaton greyhound x deerhound greyhound
  11. Looks a bit like my dog I got recently of a lad on here
  12. I lived in leith forty years ago for a bit . Sounds like it changed a bit. I got stabbed, smaked on head with iron bar put my eye out it's socket, saw neighbours in flat above go past window when they both jumped, and saw plenty blood piss and puke in the landing. Can't remember a fish restraunt
  13. If lads are keen and can do a bit if they can get there foot in the door somewhere on work experience they'll stand out from the dossers and got a good chance of getting started.
  14. Last 15 years been self employed so anything that came through the door, front gates to farm buildings. Before that was beam bashing for a good few years funnily enough I loved that seeing a few ton of steel fabbed after a few days. Before that worked for a specialist stair company doing internal staircases and also fire escapes and I served my time before that at a general fab shop
  15. Started at 16 and just retired at christmas you've just described my life
  16. Welding is practice practice and more practice. You need good eye hand coordination. Best to get someone to show him how to get started. A nice invertor set and some decent rods and a auto darkening helmet will get him started. Lidle helmet and invertor be fine but get decent rods. Welding can be a good trade or soul destroying. If you're ever down my way I'd gladly show him .
  17. Remember my granny had Guiny fowl Remember them roosting on her roof and being noisy.
  18. Let us know what you think when it arrives
  19. Out of likes lads. Just had a look at that hik lh 15 looks a decent wee spotter
  20. Are thermal spotters really a game changer. How do you use them? Spot gear and stalk up closer then turn on lamp or what?
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