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steve t

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Everything posted by steve t

  1. we were about four foot down in hard ground years ago when this feller came running up shouting, his trousers were half way down and his dick hanging out, we weren't on our side of the fence so we were obviously a bit worried, he went nuts telling us we shouldn't be hare coursing on his land, we had no lurchers so once we got him calmed down and explained what we were doing he was grand, he even invited us back for tea, needless to say we declined as at no point did he put his dick away, very akward trying to explain what your doing when your four feet down and eye level with his dick.
  2. Marshman, that gave me goosebumps
  3. I pay fifty euro a gallon, and generic will be between thirty and forty so a good saving, shes away for a week and will be putting in an order when she gets back so will know exact price then.
  4. Was working for a vet this morning and I asked her to get me some hibiscrub and she says they're all using a generic one now and its a good bit cheaper, will put up the name of it when she gets me it.
  5. I know the lad that snares around here, flat out when cubs are being born, encourages lads to shoot them on lamp and he collects them to keep his numbers up, also dishes out snares to lads for same reason, its pitifull to find them in snares, they go round in circles and dig a round trench, how can this be better than digging and dealing quickly and humanely with them?
  6. thanks krawnden, not great on computers but will have a play
  7. Can someone give me an idiots guide to resizing photos, and why they come up the wrong way round thanks
  8. sorry first time I tried to post a photo and its upside down
  9. Solitary confinement for my pot lickers
  10. I wouldn't even bother doing a bit, just send out a load of questionares to other dog lads, get them to fill them it in, win win situation, they write book for you, you sell book, they sell pups and collect stud fees
  11. My mate who is a butcher calls tripe the fifth quarter as demand is so high, all the big places are exporting it
  12. yes your best bet is to find a small abbatoir that kills a few cattle and sheep, these places are getting less every year though and the amount of people trying to get stuff is increasing, when I was going thred be a few dog lads and a few African lads all nearly fighting over trope
  13. Thanks for all advice, this is a greedy bitch and would overeat if left with ad lib food, I'll keep her fit and keep her on good grub thanks
  14. how fare into pregnancy should a bitch be before you up her food, thanks
  15. yes, great to hear from lads that are doing it, not just theory
  16. so if a few mates have brothers sisters mothers uncles etc and breed from the best from them and keep going for a few generations they'll eventually start throwing similar types and this then is a recognisable line?
  17. a comment glen made in a recent post got me wondering whats the difference between a line and a family and when does a family become a line
  18. loads of other lads were asked to go in book but refused, that's who he was left with, don't believe all bs about hand picked lads with lines for generation s
  19. ps that bull was also used in someones line of terriers and one granddaughter was recently sold for a grand some folks have more money than sense !!!
  20. in the past I bred a greyhound to very game pit bull, over half the litter didn't like teeth, the best dog was then mated to a fox mad collie greyhound, got nowt but rabbiting dogs,
  21. He doesn't knead all those smart comments
  22. Advertising that as a bedlington is no different than lads advertising dogs as nuttal, parkes, wheeler whatever big name when in reality it was generations ago one of their ancestors came from those yards
  23. Following on from the otter thread one of the most common predators around my way is the pinemartin. I see one most weeks, have bolted them from log piles, seen them nesting in peoples lofts on several occasions, got them in the hen house a few times, they show no fear of humans and stand their ground when cornered, everyone I know with chickens has had big losses due to them, and there was one eating cake the other day the wife had put on the bird table.
  24. Thanks for advice, got a bag of gain 20 this morning so will mix that in, also give eggs and bones anyway, steve
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