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steve t

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Everything posted by steve t

  1. pup looks a cracker mate cant believe you got messed around with it
  2. ihad one out of Richard jones bit odd but loved foxes and terrier game
  3. wasn't a lorry with a tarp on it safe in the eighties, lol, will try and dig some pics out you might like fireman
  4. I think the kids slept in blender tents next to the Waggons aswell...they were made from the same canvas material that the bow top is made of...young hazel shoots bent over to make a dome with the front lifted up facing the fire. Not just the kids slept in them and those families with just a flat cart would have as well,i've lived in many a bender(the tent not the faggot type ) and i used to be able to build one without using string to tie the poles just woven through and you could swing off the frame, but not built one for many a year now.We use to use car windscreens as windows along the
  5. Thought this was going to b a picture of dogs and shovels
  6. Mate of mines dog went blind because he delayed getting vet in, not worth risk, get proper diagnosis
  7. was looking through some archive posts yesterday and when I looked at bottom of page three guests were looking to, whats the chances of three guests looking at same posts from three years ago?
  8. That's to sensible for us, we'll just carry on arguing over whats right or wrong on here and make tw@ts out of ourselves same as always.
  9. scumbags at it again, hope u get them back
  10. see theres a litter for sale on done deal, anyone phone them?
  11. the mark one finder must be on the same frequency as electric fences , overhead cables and even chicken wire as you had more chance getting a signal of these than the collar on the dog with the old grey box
  12. nice one fat man, imagine you hadn't heard them and tipped a dog in !!!
  13. Last litter could have been inferior due to both parents being very old. Downsouth I have heard this about old parents before but didn't really believe it, what causes it? As said before im planning on breeding my bitch that's eight, would she be classed as old, thanks
  14. bloody hell got an eight year old bitch just come in and was gonna do a repeat mating, got me thinking now, might have to go for my other option.
  15. good week lee, new pup and your other lad bolted one, best of luck with them both
  16. good luck with breeding, keep us up to date on progress.
  17. All this supposition, only way to find out is to try, if anyone knows where id get a decent greyhound bitch pm me I have access to some big strong game dogs that would suit
  18. It can kill collies and ive had terriers have fits after giving it.
  19. Mine are black with white spots, rough and smooth, what the hell are they?
  20. Ive got four terrier collars and a big one on the shepherd x , great gear.
  21. I'd chance one aswell, could b a handy cross
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