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steve t

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Everything posted by steve t

  1. if it doesn't work bring it back and ill breed from it anyway
  2. some of the collies round here are right b##st'rds wouldn't go near them, mate had a Kerry blue was a good guard, I had a begium x german shepherd, great dog even my mates wouldn't go near him but even with walks every day and games/ training he would go a bit mad. pacing etc so I gave him to a couple who spend allot of time with him, made a great dog for them, he needed lots of stimulus. I have a beddiex greyhound, barks when strangers around as good as any.
  3. Decent lads don't jack the job in , simple as that. Bollocks, the pressure lads are under when they get done is immense, three or four generations of terriers put down in one fell swoop, names in papers and on tv, neighbours giving out to family, snide comments when walking down street, getting to post before wife to get rid of hate mail, stress and cost of court case and follow up visits from cops and uspca, not that simple
  4. Theres plenty of working bitches around that will never be bred from and are dug regularly, brood bitches need to be the best of the best, and if theyre good enough to be bred from but cant for some reason they should still give many years top class digging.
  5. Saw them in the car park at Dublin airport to
  6. Can you remember what the thread was called? three quarter whitworth lol
  7. how much ivermek do you normally give a terrier?
  8. not like you to have the same lead twice sam, thought you normally lost them up trees
  9. My vet said the injection can be very severe on the bitch, hav also heard of royal jelly helping
  10. Neil and fatman, cmon name and shame, really got me wondering now, is it someone selling ac terries???
  11. best tool ive seen for finding when collars pack up is a long drill bit from a quarry, they are hollow and when sunk in ground you can hear everything up them by listening to hole at top, found a good few dogs using these in past
  12. some of the stuff ive seen old boys do would make you shudder, went to one fellas house one morning and he said ill just get my stuff, I went to shed and he had a vast array of gaffs and bayonets attatched to handles, for stabbing or pulling stuff out, what a job I had convincing him to leave it in shed, never again.
  13. My best ones were all early starters, its a trait I like and like a stud dog that's done it early aswell, that being said I was never really that patient with slower ones so some probobally would have come good. We were spoiled when we had the old nuttal stuff round here, take it to a burrow and in it would go.
  14. cracking thread lads, I haven't got many photos, and the ones I have are crap, and don't believe all that about memories in your head being better than photos and lasting forever, I cant remember what I done yesterday and wish I had more photos
  15. You had a funny turn Neil, didn't think you liked putting photos up,
  16. my mate always brings bucket and rope, terrifies me, lol
  17. Agreed Neil, your onto something when you can work them to a good age, also means you don't need to breed as often.
  18. I thought jp ac dr in there to lol
  19. So am I FFS, so this time next year you'll be known as MIcK and DD will be known as PaddyDog, . and they'll be eligible to go in irish terriermen and terriers vol 2 lol
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