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steve t

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Everything posted by steve t

  1. mink are going up in price due to Chinese market
  2. hope that's not the neighbours cat Lee
  3. feast your eyes on this beauty
  4. Dont be on lurcher section much, doesn't seem long ago when everyone was knocking you for this mating, nice looking , well reared pups
  5. new lamb solero, may not be suitable for vegetarians
  6. MInes are getting frozen sheep heads at the moment with no problems
  7. do you know any farmers who could rent you a shed in a quiet spot where you could kennel them, I know a couple of lads that this worked well for
  8. terriers are like there owners ,English ones tend to be gassy windbags prancing round looking tough until the pressure comes on, over here they go quietly about their buissiness with just a bit of grunting and banging, and the welsh ones are a bit weird and hard to fathom out and have a love of sheep
  9. unless the vet was talking shit, it has been known before
  10. nice one, if it falls through pm me if you dont mind an ugly ,snipey headed, whippety, stubborn, biting b*****d.
  11. i don't doubt you have DD heard nothing good about your self & terriers, but how many ns enthusiasts can say that.. I've heard of dozens of young terriers full of promise that got pts because of ego's and people in a rush to get to the finish line. One thing I've learned over the years is that there is no finish line. I've had and have still got flyers, but the vast majority of these start early but don't seem to put it all together until they're at the end of their second season. The trouble is everyone's heard about the "special" line of terriers, and they think everyone of them should
  12. and how many generations before it stops being his? after all the lads that have them now make all the decisions, who mates who, whats good enough to be kept, etc, and they,ll have different standard and aims?
  13. Its a sheep wormer active ingredient fenbenzonole, in lots of wormers for horses and cattle, also available in a diluted form as a puppy wormer, not sure if it kills tape worm or not??
  14. anyone seen nc choctaw work or know his breeding?
  15. . The stuff ya on about be nuttall lines. nuttall x booth
  16. we had some miner x bramble x tim stuff years ago, was very good, think theres stuff bred this way down your country Chesney, might even be a dog of this line there.
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