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steve t

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Everything posted by steve t

  1. That's sad news Ray. Rip buck.
  2. Out of likes congratulations kanny
  3. Wasn't going to rest until the politicians were hanging from the lampposts using the entrails of the royals and we are your future executioners were a couple of his catch phrases.
  4. Ian bone and his class war mag. That brings back memories flattop.
  5. 2 beauties. They Wheaton crosses?
  6. Hope all this helps clarify what stud you want @ryaldinhio
  7. How dare you assume gender. This one identifies as a her.
  8. First and most important lessons
  9. That sounds good greyman good luck with it
  10. The grandsons wanted new desks so I said to daughter no bother I'll make a couple they all told me not to bother . Ended up buying them the ones they wanted had built in flashing lights and places to plug in there games. Even desks have f***ing changed
  11. Father bull Wheaton greyhound mother bull greyhound.
  12. After my big dogs accident I didn't think I'd get another lurcher but here we are back in the saddle.
  13. Sand worms or slop worms
  14. Bit of clearing up after storm still
  15. Think I was 46 for first one
  16. I dug a hare once hounds ran it in and were giving a strong mark . Never realised until I pulled it out with terrier
  17. All wee need now is salukis and slop and that's us done
  18. Was some job getting that. Went down early so no one around and started cutting it of with chainsaw blubber and shit everywhere. Was half way through when a load of lasses came by on horseback exercising the horses. I just said morning as if it was perfectly normal and carried on. They gave me some looks.
  19. Beaked whale skull on my wall
  20. Been a humpback in sligo bay the last 2 years and I had a fin whale breach right by boat once. I also got the head of a beaked whale that died on a beach in sligo
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