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Millwall Paul

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About Millwall Paul

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  1. I shoot with a 17 hmr, 22lr and 22 FAC air rifle. I can head shoot bunnys as long as the weathers good, i.e. not to blowy out to 70 yards or so. Its a Logun Gladi8or at about 36 ftlb i think. I can use the lr out to 100 yards - an Anchutz 1417 and the HMR is good out to about 150yds. Its all tools for different jobs. No doubt these ranges can be bettered, but I'm more than happy with them.
  2. There's a very good recipe on UKVarminting. I use it for venison liver as well as rabbit livers. I prefer the rabbit livers personally but a lot of my mates prefer the venison version
  3. I've used this guy before. He's based in Bristol but has a lot of land to stalk over. I've only ever stalked roe with him and he's never failed to deliver the goods and works his nuts off for you. It's coming up to doe season so if you're after meat for the freezer it'll be a lot cheaper. His prices have always been very reasonable as well. www.westcountrydeerservices.co.uk
  4. Had a quick look at your website, the picture you have of a blesbuck is actually of a Gemsbok.
  5. Hi, Just out of interest does anyone know where I can get an adaptor to fit to my Gladi8tor so that I can fit a bipod at all? Either that or does anyone know of a bipod that will fit to the air cylinder at the front? Cheers
  6. I've got the swede and love it, it'll shoot 1" high at 100 yards and bang on at 200yards with home loads. Have shot heavy hill stags to muntjacs with it. I also have it on my FAC for fox as well. I have used a 25 on muntjac and found it a little messy compared to the swede.
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