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dog fox

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Everything posted by dog fox

  1. good point that mate ,never used one but can see were your coming from . i just stick to the old fashion method ,creep up on them with a bucket of water lol .they get fed up of it before i do
  2. the frank buck and cyril bray lines are not far off the start of the patterdale terrier with a big influence off joe bowman ,it was frank and cyril that liked the black terriers and carried on the breeding and later met brian nuttals farther who took some of these dogs for his own breeding .if they are realy these lines what your getting then if the truth is being told and all the breeding goe,s back to the start of the lines i,ll have one too lol cos they be some terriers http://www.pittrpatter.com/Origin-Patterdales.html you cant beat a bit of history
  3. ive put a pick of gnipper on for you,s all
  4. :yes: Had one come up behind us in the dark to easily within ten foot and fuuckin scare the shit out me, another member off here and two dogs by screaming at us :laugh: I'm not surprised it screamed when it saw this
  5. cost a few pounds at first with vets but at end of day they couldnt find what it is .if i were you try her on just meat and no biscuits . i come to the conclusion its not just one thing that sets it off but a few diffrent reasons which makes it hard to put your finger on . come winter my bitch will be in tip top condision and your would never have known. she a good dog under ground and has had many years with us, so i dont mind taking care of her through the summer as she looks after me all winter
  6. got a bitch here that goe,s red and stinky and loses a lot of hair just before she come,s into season .she looks like she,s got mange all summer long and then come november she,s all cleared up again .if she is coming in season its proberbly the same thing .had her to vets a number of times and tried everything .but nothing realy works apart from a shampoo for yeast infections ,which is what we think it is .as i only feed her raw chicken now and she seems to be doing alright .but give her anything else and she starts going red all over .chances are she,ll be like that for her life and as she
  7. give it a couple of easy runs and then home ,i know its hard and you want to give the dog some good nights but they will come in time ,dont ruin it before the dogs right age or you,ll be back at the starting blocks with a new dog ,its probs down to its stamina and loosing pace due to its age and then frustration sets in
  8. we get a a few vixens round are way that are tiny ,you would think they was a cub if the teeth never told a different story .thats why we keep a couple of tiny pats for these ocasions ,as a normal sized dog can take all day to get them bottled up . dogs done well to get to that if its feet were as bad as you said
  9. a bitch i have here will eat anything ,she,s a dirty fecker but she likes a good red un ,she already started breakfast sometimes when we dig to her lol would say its a good dog you gonna have there mate
  10. it certainly was ,shame it was a very nice dog
  11. 50.46 for us puts us just in front ,every vote counts
  12. very nice pup that pal ,bet you cant wait
  13. years ago we was running some terriers down some old train lines ,i was walking backwards and didnt see a big man hole with no cover on about 10 ft deep covered with brambles ,i fell backwards down the hole and knocked myself out on a pipe sticking out of the side near the bottom ,the bottom was filled with like oily think water ,when i came round i was up to my shoulders in this oily water .the two lads i was with climbed down and literaly pulled me out by my hair (i had some then lol)with the weight of the oily water i weighted a ton and dont think i would have got out by myself at the
  15. my brother is getting married soon and is moving over to ontario as soon as he sell,s his house ,he,s been over for about 4 long holidays now and absolutly loves the place now ,cant wait for him to go as i,m seriously thinking of following him over once he gets settled ,he,s not into shooting fishing or hunting in any fashion but i am .he,s told me of the lakes and rivers and all the hunting with dogs to be had by day (i believe that lamping is a big no no ) but there,s plenty to go at day time with the dogs. your best person to ask is coyotehunter of this site as he,s a huntsman who hunts th
  16. another thread from a few days ago http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/160223-beehive-in-the-garden/
  17. i seen somewhere that they are importing queens into the country to keep the bumble bee,s going as alot are dieing from some sort of parasite ,maybe this is whats up with your nest .i believe its the queen were the fault lie,s .mine is getting very active now just hope it dosnt get out of hand by the end of summer . a few pics for you look at last pic at all the pollen he,s collected
  18. maybe someone knicked them after all they are in liverpool lol ,sorry couldnt help it
  19. think if the tempeture drops under a certain degree they fall into a dormant state ,if its cold days when you see this ,then this is proberbly why . ive got bumble bee,s in my wall caverty and have opted to leave them as long as they dont start stinging everyone but havnt seen any on the floor though
  20. who,s the judge Dat would be the man in the middle of the ring without a dog stupid. i knew that
  21. thats not a bad night by anyone,s standards .well done
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