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dog fox

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Everything posted by dog fox

  1. i would agree with john on that one , most european countrys ,make there dogs win there certificate for showing ,if the dog doesnt make the grade by drawing something from a man made earth then its a failer and wont be bred from or shown at shows , one thing ive noticed is how far back its front legs are and how its chest sits down protecting them when its working .alot has gone into these dogs in the past ,and the europeans have bred them exackly the way they want them and a good job they have done to . so why start messing with the blood like john says and i agree with ,it would be better t
  2. you meen what locator system do we use ,we use deban mk 1 or the bellman and flint https://www.bellmanandflint.co.uk/ ,a lot of lads and lasses dont like the deban long range and go for the bellman ,,,,,,,think thats what you ment lol ,,,,,,,,
  3. for once can we put the bad comments aside ,this is a different country with different laws and is like the man says ,he works his dogs inside the law of his country ,cant falt him for that ,and before you set off on one and spoil yet another good post which i myself am very intrested in ,if you let the man carry on telling us then you might even learn something for once ,if you dont agree thats fine ,but keep it to yourself ,,,please,,,,,,manipulus please carry on
  4. do you do any earth work with yours manipulus , very intresting thread this ,thankyou for your input mate
  5. nice pics them manipulus, what other game do you hunt over there , dont worrie about your English being bad, as are,s isnt that good either and we live here :11: like the dogs too
  6. nice one rags ,hard work on your own ,bitch done you prowd there
  7. me to, makes a change for it to be on are doorstep for a change ,nice one felly for sorting it all out .about 4 lads coming from here were i am
  8. mr & mrs keeps ,who cares what other people think ,it was a good post and some nice dogs and best of luck with them ,and hope it all works out for you,s
  9. alright there ,ive fished for pike for some years now , on the spinning side of things the only tip i can give is look for a small plug called the blue sardine .this has had me plenty of fish in coloured water and clear water and has saved the day many times , on the other side of things like runforyourlife said its a different ball game fishing big lakes ,i mostly fish windermere from the bank which is no easy task , took us some years to suss it out but once you find were the fish are you can have some good fishing , and it dosnt get better than hitting a windermere pike in summer ,ive all
  10. sounds like youve already given up on her, let her grow up and give her time ,patiance
  11. fcuk me thats some dog you got there all that in 1 night, and some night you had ,cant believe the dogs not been sold , did it take the shark single handed .
  12. get on to paypal i think you have 21 days to get your money back if your not happy
  13. WHAT IS A DOG WORTH TO YOU BEER MONEY OR BECAUSE THE DOG WANTS TO DO WHAT THE DOGS BEEN BRED FOR GOOD ON YOU FOR SELLING IT BECAUSE YOU DONT DESERV IT . SOME ONE DO THIS DOG A FAVER AND GIVE IT THE CHANCE IT NEEDS ALL THE BEST MARCUS MARCUS its a wind up mate , take it you dont no WILF , but you do get used to him though ,wait till winky joins in and selwyn think your better off going for his script as i think he stopped takin it again ,,,,,,,,,,,have fun lads cant believe some peeps take it in :11:
  14. cheers Eamon for reply ,very nice dog though
  15. here,s an old pic of my mates lakie, he was bought out of the country mans weekly about 11 years ago from south yorkshire area , the dogs name was tyke and was about three years old when he bought him .he turned out to be a very good digging dog indeed and worked to a good old age ,his pups were also good dogs ,but thats all we know of him .
  16. glad to hear the truth about the dog ,and that its worked out good for you rapskee,and penda that was a bit naughty of you
  17. very nice dog there Eamon , he anything to do with timmeys lines
  18. cheers mars , not as much as the pups , they were startin to drive me insaine they all gone now and the wind chimes are back :11:
  19. Here is a dog from her last litter we kept dont no why people have so much against the plummer terrier ,and surly credit must be given to people trying to keep the dog going ,as long as they are honest about it ,which im sure keeps and 10/22 are ,as there are 1 or 2 of there pups that are coming on good on these forums . after all if the dog in the pic was black most would say nice size terrier with a good head on it ,and to me looks up to most jobs .......jmo good luck with them anyway
  20. had a few myself in past , normally with rabbits the dog soon learns he cant get them and will give up going to ground for them ,especialy if he not encourage to ,try using a trusted dog to mark the earth and then use your dog ,they soon learn ,it could be worse you could of had a dog that wouldnt go to ground, ive have had a couple of them to ,and they do leave you scratching your head :11:
  21. good going dehoff ,nice for the little dogs to get the work ,best of luck with rest of season
  22. think most of his small stuff go,s abroad ,im happy with what i got off him
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