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dog fox

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Everything posted by dog fox

  1. got my dog back after 3 days last year ,and all the time he was in we never heard a thing of him ,was let in at 9 o clock on sat morn and got him out 8 oclock monday night ,we,d all almost given up ,he did have a locator on mk1 deban and after three big holes we found him 16 ft down and 6 ft in at bottom ,when we worked it out he was about 22 ft down off banking ,we dug this spot loads of times but never been over six ft ,keep trying there,s always a chance you,ll get her back and best of luck
  2. cheers Eamon ,nice dogs you got there ,good luck with them
  3. if i got a dig under 5 ft i ,d think it was my f--king birthday ,and normally clay most of way ,when you hit the golden stuff you no you nearly there ,but had plenty digs between 5 and ten and some even deeper , it takes a very good dog to last to its game at these sort of depths ,im not saying for a second that my dogs are the best in world because they not ,ive had dogs come off after a full afternoon under ground ,were the dog has lost the battle , and took a hell of a lot of stick , as far ias im concerned the dogs give its all for a good few hours i,ll do for me , on many times ive seen g
  4. a mate of mine had 2 pups ordered out that same litter ,he was told they would be white dogs ,when pups were ready they turned out brown ,when questioned on it he said his wife let the bitch out and he wasnt sure which dog had napped her at him saying that the pups stayed were they were ,probebly why he struggling to get rid , if thats what he telling people realy?? toby was used over both bitches cant understand where thats from my appologies if thats incorrect ,but was only qouteing what someone told me , and things do get so far away from the truth sometimes
  5. good post EAMON ,and sounds like a good day for all ,like the black stuff you keep any more pics of em , as like myself you dont post that much on your dogs ,while you in the mood stick some up ,like the first pic shame it a bit out of focus and the spot you on do,s look a nice big place ,fair play to your dogs .
  6. think it was that litter,the one he just been advertising
  7. hope she keeps it up for you ,and well done to your bitch
  8. a mate of mine had 2 pups ordered out that same litter ,he was told they would be white dogs ,when pups were ready they turned out brown ,when questioned on it he said his wife let the bitch out and he wasnt sure which dog had napped her at him saying that the pups stayed were they were ,probebly why he struggling to get rid , if thats what he telling people
  9. have heard the same summer next year as they are still having problems ,b+f are saying this new collar will work on the old box ,but can,t see it myself as the old box is calliberated at 60 mtrs and the new collar is only 30 mtrs ,and we all no what happens there with all the new stuff the lads on here have been testing ,bet they cant get the depth to a exact reading ,so will probebly bring a new box out to go with it ,another problem is the recharching function as the new collar is fully rechargable and may not be fully waterproof yet , as long as they get it sorted first ,which im shaw they
  10. nice reply brock , its only my oppinion for what its worth ,but i myself have a lot to learn ,like i said we never stop learning from the moment we born ,just think it would be a chance for people to talk dogs with out all the agro ,and even if you dont own a terrier should still be aloud on just aslong you been a member for a certain amont of time or safe people that every one nows or has been referred ,but you have a good point too
  11. the thing is if you go on diggingemout.org its an anti site which has pictures and posts on off this site ,i will tell all what i get up to with no problems what so ever ,and will talk dogs all day long (ask the misses)to people who i no ,but a lot of people on here no there are anti,s on here reading all the posts and writing all the info down , and i for one want to keep digging for years to come , people arnt saying they want every one stopped from going on a earth dog forum (if there was one)but people who are known to be ok , one member not so long ago was slated off for putting a pic of
  12. sounds to me like you doing the wright thing ,the eye drops and antibiotics should do the trick ,as long as the pupil isnt damaged she should heal fairly quickly ,the eye will prob glaze over a greyish colour and swell but keep treating as you are and she,ll soon be on her job again ,my bitch as lost a good piece of her ear ,and with the cold is taking a long time to heal , and my dog i started this season has had is front middle toe pulled off so the bone was showing all the way down and the skin was swinging off the end hanging on by about 2 mm of the pad ,was a real bad one and we all thoug
  13. sounds a good day out and a good crack with the lads ,thats what its all about ,and well done to the old dog ,must have been a good un through the years and serverd your proud ,,
  14. just take her out ,as she will be ok if she,s bayed all night ,but keep doing it and she might loose intrest or end up in a loony bin sounds like she,s ready for a bit of action , what the f''k did the niebours say with all the barking all night long :11:
  15. alright saluki boy when she bayed all night in her kennal were the f''k was the fox just asking to be sure for when i answer your qeustion :11:
  16. sorry mate ,didnt make it that clear was on about 2 different sections ,1 for earthdogs and the other for working terriers ,like ratting ,rabbiting
  17. think you missed the point jeppi , comenting on someones day out is what people want and good posts of the lads out digging and working there dogs , i like all the posts like i.e plummer threads digging threads ,all the other threads that have a meaning ,or else the good posts get pushed down the pages and die off never to be seen again , i will give advice to any one that i think i can help and also learn from myself ,but when its my doggie chased a fluffy bunny down a hole and pricked its ear on the way home ......think this is what people are on about ,for these posts are not worth answ
  18. think eamon is right in what he says ,a long time ago someone surgested that we have an earth dog section (for earth dogs only ) and a working terrier section for those who want to put pics up of there dog chasing a bunny or 2 about some cover , i do not have any arguments with people chasing bunnys with there dogs ,but it shouldnt be posted in the earth dog section . all the good posts seem to be going on off the irish lads (keep em coming lads ) but us on the other side of the water seem to think that a lot of people on here are not who they say they are and dont want to give to much away ,,
  19. try JOHN HUBERY he on this forum ,he makes good boxes
  20. i know if you put frontline for dogs on a cat it will make it fit for days and can kill it ,be carefull which one you use (check with vet first) as i had a bit left years ago while doing the dogs ,i put some on the mrs,s cat and got nothing but grief for about a week
  21. here,s manipulus,s site http://www.manipulus.hu/
  22. they are very intresting little hounds, all the best john and hope it works out right for you
  23. oh no not the stella lol ,thats me talkin shite after about 2 pints thought a mod might have pinned this one for you felly
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