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dog fox

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Everything posted by dog fox

  1. how much you asking for pups
  2. there is the technoligy to rebuild him
  3. how tightly bred are they . any pics as its your first post and you talkin booth terriers
  4. top stuff there p***y , nice to see them lines still going strong and as ive said before them dogs are a credit to you, notice the critic hasnt posted on them this time or did you actually go and ride him in front of his mum :11: all the best with the pups
  5. well done spider you tried any way and was a good result in the end ,dug 13 ft other week to mine to find him stuck in sand with no sign of foxy ,but was glad to get dog out ok ,the deeper you go in sand it normally gets finer and finer ,we have a good few deep digs a year in sand and this will happen now and again ,but its not the dogs fault these things happen . ps . am now living in france lol
  6. upload your pics on photo bucket ,it will resize them for you
  7. nice one TT , look good healthy pups them mate have they got any white on them?
  8. me and orion off here had a nearly fully grey one with about a 1/4 of red on it ,orion shot another half grey one and another lad said he,d had a half grey one .all from the same area ,but they were definatly red fox,s just a lot of grey on them ,it was not a tinge of grey they were fully grey to look .they have built a big industrial site on the land and the farm has moved ,but if we get any more i will put a pic up as we do still go there on the odd accasion
  9. alright steve ,could you find out any more info about the dogs parents ,would be nice to no what sort of working back ground they come from .........thanks
  10. has any one asked them what lines,and how far back they go ,and what pecentage of workers do they get out of the litters , how many digs to both parents ect , after all its the blood you,re paying for ,and if there parents are truefully good grafters and i wanted a choc dog, it would be worth finding more about this dog as it is a very fine dog indeed,but get a pup off the parents . the money side is wrong but someone will turn up and pay the man and maybe a few more after them ,and the people who pay the man are as much to blame as he is arnt they
  11. yes i no that mate thats why i posted it here, the father to my dog was over from ireland and his name was culli as we new him but could that have been cuileog pronounced in the right way ,this is what i was asking ,as he made all the SBT around me look small cheers anyway
  12. the bitch defo wasnt ,but it could be that the dog used over her may been down them line,s ,the dog in the first pics is out the bitch in the last pic
  13. some more the lad in pic is now 21 Smashing looking dog what height and weight? the cuileogs breeding seems to be predominantly very thick set. height was about 17 and weight cant remeber to be exact ,but he was a lump of a dog ,here,s a pic of the bitch only have two pics of her and they not that good ,but she was nicley set for a bitch
  14. some more the lad in pic is now 21 Smashing looking dog what height and weight? the cuileogs breeding seems to be predominantly very thick set. height was about 17 and weight cant remeber to be exact ,but he was a lump of a dog ,here,s a pic of the bitch only have two pics of her and they not that good ,but she was nicley set for a bitch
  15. some more the lad in pic is now 21
  16. some more the lad in pic is now 21
  17. here,s one for you,s i bred this dog back in 1989 , the bitch was my dog and the dog belonged to the brother of mick crawley of who i no little about ,the dog used was irish bred and was called culli as we new him ,the dog was the exact same as the balboa dog on this thread but with out the white on its head ,i do no that micks brother fetched this dog back over from ireland about 87-88 ,this dog was admired by a lot of people and is still remebered today anways what do you think
  18. last pup i took to vets ,the vet said to me ,so you got him from ireland did you
  19. nice going eamon ,looks like the patrolar was accurate to that depth to ,is that brick you dug to, fair play to the dog for staying his time ,how long you let him settle on that one before you started digging ,take you a few days to recover off that one ,all the best mate and good post
  20. think this is the best way to sort the box and collars out ,as there is a lot of people using all different set ups ,please coment on how good they locate ,how accurate on depth and actually landing ontop of dog ,and how quick the box is at locating ,
  21. got this one 2 years back off brian ,he,s doing well and pushing all the right buttons stands 13 inch and weighs in at 17 lb
  22. got this one 2 years back off brian ,he,s doing well and pushing all the right buttons stands 13 inch and weighs in at 17 lb
  23. yeh and goes right back ,a whole six and a half inches
  24. was there any water at end of drain ,as mr darcy once said a simaler thing had happned to him once but with water at end of drain the dog had stopped at the water but the fox had gone under the water and up onto a ledge ,but im sure JD will tell the full story ,other than that proberbly just sent ,as well as making you look a c--t ,dogs are very good at doing that at the best of times as im sure you know
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