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dog fox

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Everything posted by dog fox

  1. havnt come across it with the bellman ,but the mark 1 was very bad for it ,if you get a sheet of lead flashing and hold above box it stops electric interfeering ,or which ever side the elecy is ,don,t no if this would work with bellman though ,but cant see why not
  2. i agree with heapher ,but the collar doe,s work up to about ten foot , i no a couple of lads who tape the mk1 or 2 receiver bit to the b+f collar so u can pin point easier a bottom of dig ,helps on those steep bankings to ,plus if something goe,s faulty with one you got a back up
  3. quote I was trying to give a warning about noxious gasses thats very very good point there mate , and im sure a lot of people will take note of it to , it,s to late when youve learnt the hard way . and to loose a good terrier ,must have been totaly gutting cheers
  4. very nice dog you got there ,is he eyeing your ferrets up in pic
  5. its off a mate down in chorley, lancs ,ive seen both dogs work day and night on many occasions and they good hard working dogs , the dam to dam of my pup is said to be out of j.darcys stuff ,dont no if this is true ,but i,ll probebly find out now
  6. if she doe,s i,ll be pleased. nice bitch that bud .looks like the sire
  7. no she was not there she may of kept runnin but we waited 4 a good bit and searched the area. but think she mite of ran to a house or car lights any pics of your pup here you go mate ,best of look in finding her thats a nice strong looking pup is it a bullx yeh mate it is 10 months old ,was going take her out tonight for first look at lamp but you kinda put me off :11: any news on the dog gary how much bull in her is she a halfx she is a nice looking bitch you have thare what kind of hight is she parents 5/8 and 3/8 she about 21 inch
  8. no she was not there she may of kept runnin but we waited 4 a good bit and searched the area. but think she mite of ran to a house or car lights any pics of your pup here you go mate ,best of look in finding her thats a nice strong looking pup is it a bullx yeh mate it is 10 months old ,was going take her out tonight for first look at lamp but you kinda put me off :11: any news on the dog gary
  9. no she was not there she may of kept runnin but we waited 4 a good bit and searched the area. but think she mite of ran to a house or car lights any pics of your pup here you go mate ,best of look in finding her
  10. could she not be waiting next to a kill ? or has she carried on hunting up herself ? how long did you look for her as she could have hit a fence or be laid up somewere . hope you find her in good order ,i got one here 10 months old and is still spooked very easily ,she a big shit bag at moment and used to go back to van all the time no matter how far away it was .
  11. and in mine too . click on link on strongstuffs post .underground terriers . they sort you out
  12. i,ll second that very good bit of kit use mine with the bellman collar though and is bang on
  13. used to go about an hour before dark ,get on the floating crust ,land a good big fish and be back home for dark ,the looks i used to get were priceless
  14. http://www.wyresidefishery.co.uk/ think this one,s it ,there,s 2 more carp fishery,s real close to that one ,there,s briarcroft about 5 mins away and greenhaugh carp fishery about 10 mins away if the fishing,s not good , i fish the wyre that runs past it ,the lake always has a few bivvies up so it must be ok and producing some nice carp,next time im passing i,ll shout over fence and find out what baits they catchin on
  15. if its, the one at st micheals or the one at greenhalghs lane ,they are about 2 mile appart
  16. either frank buck or cyril bray like to add the bull blood ,one was for it and one was against and most bull dogs back in the day were white so i believe so its proberbly the bull, but a lot of black pats have a white flash on chest could that not be enough white to create a full white if both perents had the flash ,dont take this like im a now it all because i just dont get genetics full stop ,its just me adding to what some people have said
  17. We had same problem the other day ,they were all right for first hour or so ,then my mates bullcross just steemed my young terrier dog ,luckerly the terrier didnt show any aggression back just submitted , but for rest of day and 2 more seperate outings , every chance he gets the bullcross wants my terriers and had one of the lads other dogs ,so i think he,s going .its only a matter of time before something bad happens to one of the terriers he,s only 13 mths old ,or will be worked on lamp only , the chances are that if they dont get on they dont get on and there,s not a lot you can do to stop
  18. a good steady terrier is worth its wait in gold ,ive seen to many terriers that are a nightmare to work with ,wanting to fight any thing that comes to close , running around all over the place ,not listern to a thing the owner tells it ,and thats down to training [bANNED TEXT] put your time in a reap your rewards after all there still only dogs , cos if there not steady you,ll not be getting many invites to go back to places jmo good luck with them and do your best if your used to training labs i dont think you,ll have much trouble
  19. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...p;hl=frank+buck have a look here
  20. happened to all are earths localy few years back ,they slowly went through the lot and never back filled one ,never did find out who it was but i have my suspicions
  21. my appollogies didnt know you was only 13 :oops:
  22. cant believe someone even give you a licsense for a 303 ,or did you find it in a lucky bag ,or even thought of wrighting a book on how to be a total knobhead
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