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dog fox

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Everything posted by dog fox

  1. never pick one up by the tail as they reject them as a defence to escape any attach ,the tail keeps riggling for ages and still makes me cringe now when i see it ,the one in the bottom pic looks like he,s rejected his a long time ago and they can only do it once ..my lad kept some for years they eat worms and slugs mainly , do many people see any grass snakes ,for all my time in the fields i have never seen one
  2. good post there mate ,me and a mate took a collie up to a old farmer once who had just lost his working farm dog ,the dog was about 14 month old and had been a pet and proberbly never seen a sheep in its life ,we told the farmer this and he said it dosnt matter bring him up and we,ll see ,so we did ..we walked up to the first field with sheep in it and the farmer let the dog off .the dog ran straight over to the sheep grabbed one and pulled down on its side and started giving it plenty .me and my mate looked at each other thinking the old farmer was going to go off on one for the sheep was tak
  3. you got a nice pup there mate ,and dont be listerning to what anyone else tells you ,you should have told her to f@@koff and take her mongral somewere else ,and if she breeds them ,then thats the point a lot of people on this site are going on about all the time .
  4. av spoke to the lad that bred them and he said thares no beddy what so ever in them her litter sister is tottaly diffrent and so is the rest of the litter thats my point bud if they were line bred they would all be the same stamp of terrier and look the same ,and more so work the same or a better percentage would and you dont have to weed out all the faults and the dogs that wont do the job............. nice terrier there hepher looks a proper black dog to me and thats the point i was trying to make
  5. well done ,still havnt managed mine yet but not giving up ,just cant seem to get one
  6. i,d say defo beddy in there bud , if there are bred worker to worker how do you no there,s not ? its ok breeding worker to worker but i prefer all my pups to look the same ,ive got a dog here with beddy in it and no matter how many times you put them back to a pat the beddy blood always shows its face in a litter ,not saying its a bad thing but its there
  7. it,ll be ear mite by the sounds of it .and will get worse if you dont treat it end up with the dogs ear passage closing up and very sore from scratching ,caniural is very good but the vet will probebly give you 1 weeks treatment .you need to treat for 3 weeks .treat first week then clean ear and leave for 2 days then another weeks treatment .leave for 2 days and repeat again .if you do it this way you kill of the breeding cycle of the eggs and any new mites that have been missed and should have no more trouble . you can also used tep ear powder (ebay) used to be called thornit and is also goo
  8. the pulse box and pieps box both have the multi burials features ,which i use .if you have 2 dogs collared up up stand over first dog and it will say mark on the screen ,when the second dog is located after being entered into a earth it will do the same ,once you locate the dog and screen says mark thats bang on the dog ,and is abit better than just reading the numbers which it doe,s if only one collar is used ,plus it save,s on keep turning collars on and off and changing from dog to dog ,dont think many people have picked up on this so i thought i,d give it a mention ,dont, no if the orto do
  9. have a couple of beddy x patts which have gone more to the beddy ,find them fearless but very soft skinned , tends to get very messy sometimes . tend to use my black dogs unless i realy have to. not slagging beddys just my opinion any one else find this, we lost one to ground last week as she,d pushed on that tight nice pup though hope it makes the grade for you
  10. same again last night ,had a chubb but my lad had 2 good rises and seen 2 nice size fish . there was a few fishing as well but no one caught
  11. nice one lads .off now till dark will let you,s no how i do ,cheers for replies
  12. i think quality is right the cheap one,s on ebay dont last long in the fast run,s .10 mins and your down to a hook
  13. is it best to use a wet fly with floating line or sinking ,i fish a stretch which has some fast runs and slow deep runs but all i seem to catch is chub about 5lb ,even on my biggest fly,s ,had one sea trout so far and was on a dry ,the stretch were i fish is just out of the tidal water .any tips would be geatly appriciated
  14. which is best dry or wet ,slow or fast water cheers DF
  15. john its your turn ,sorry lads couldnt help it
  16. have caught chubb on just about everything , plugs ,worm ,meat and a lot on the fly tend to get the better one,s on the fly though
  17. f@@k me been robbed again ,mine only had four , but they not for sale they stay with me ,and very close friends ,if ya no what i mean
  18. it was the old bitch ,a good little grafter too
  19. run a cub out of somecover yesterday evening while exercising the lurchers ,we had a couple of young terriers out with us and an old bitch of about 9 years old ,they put it in a two holer a tight rabbit spot (roots f''king every were )the old bitch was going mental at the first hole,so we thought we,d let her have a few minutes to see if she could shift it after about 15 mins she,d dug on to were her back legs were just sticking out of the hole ,the other hole was about four foot away with the lurchers marking like mad , my mate went back to hole were she was digging and relised somthing wasnt
  20. good news there mate ,not a nice feeling when you loose them
  21. 2 1/2 lb mate ,took it on a dry was a nice take too , about 11 oclock (am) just after high tide
  22. had my first one today at last when they have lice on them doe,s this meen its a fresh run fish or one thats been in the river for a bit :wacko:
  23. no signs of them on the ribble yet either ,shouldnt be far of though
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