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dog fox

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Everything posted by dog fox

  1. good post lads ,keepem warm ,clean and a nice warm bed that night and plenty of fresh water you shouldnt go far wrong ,shock (foxdropper) is the one to watch out for and im surprised more people didnt mention it . like foxdropper said watch out for tears and especially smaller wounds like feet area and forarms as these if missed and not cleaned will heal quick and trap an infection in side and bang your off .got a lurcher here at moment who nicked her back hock (tiny nick)3 days later and i noticed her back leg was slightly larger than her other .on inspection it had inflamed and was tracking
  2. Where's that place now ive heard of it before? lake district ,ambleside . lake rydal and grassmere are good for pike too :)windermere is about 13 miles long and a mile wide at its widest point and holds some monsters
  3. i thought the terrier section was bad for arguing ,you lot are worse than old women for comenting on each other ,no wonder the hunting worlds in bits . good shot btw
  4. rough you should try windermere over the summer months (night fishing) the pike tend to go mad in the summer in there ,have had some nice fish out of there and seen some even bigger(30lbers) in the morning cruising the margins ,if you go round back of lake to the wray castle side and follow little road down to a car park were you can fish from the bank with the ledge in casting distance ...had some cracking nights down there and some good fighting fish ,i can honastly say the summer pike of windermere fight better than any were else ive fished for them ,ive seen bait runners nearly stripped of
  5. had a 12 ft dig on sunday and was useing the barryvox with b & f collar ,landed smack bang on tube ,the barryvox is a better reciever . had a few this year with bellman box but most of time on a deep en we tend to miss the tube and break in from the side ,the barryvox is startin to shine above all the rest for accuracy as someone has said before the barryvox goes down to 0.1 and the bellman 0.3 so thats why we keep missing .but if your doing shallow digs all the time i dont think it matters which one
  6. there must have been a female about ready for spawning ,there,s a fair few jacks about in the one area or a very good food sorce
  7. just out of intrest td was the fox with the dog or had dog dug on that far he,d got his self stuck in the soft sand ,only asking because i dug my dog out of 2 spots about 15 ft and dog was stuck fast in that silver sand and fox was still way up the tube and never got either of them ,its the worst stuff a terrier can deal with and especially at that depth once the dogs filled the tube up behind him its only a matter of time before you lift a dead dog ,so well done lads bet you felt it the day after
  8. nice one TD ,dont you just love them bankings and that siver sand at bottom of dig is a terriers worst nightmare ,can come in on you at any time ,you did right putting the terrier before the fox and well done getting him out
  9. thats roughly the way i brought my bitch on at that young age ,they learn more off watching at that age ,dont run them young as they have a lot of growing to do and you can do a lot more damage running them than you think
  10. take him out with an expirienced dog and let him watch only ,and let him have a run at end of night .at 7 months old my bitch wouldnt even run a rabbit (she realy low in confedence)after a bit and a lot of patience she run her first one ,the next step was if she seen a hare on lamp she would nt leave my side just watch it .i got her over that by just leaving her to she was ready in herslf .i got her for a fox dog to help out the terriers and knew i had a long way to go with her .when she was about 15 mths i started to give her a lot more work as she was takin bunnys with ease and she will even
  11. very nice pup that mate ,is a real stunner
  12. you can ,they light as a feather
  13. some very nice dogs there mlb ,pup looks a cracker best of luck with him
  14. how do we know rabbits ,hare and fox,s see in colour if they dont then they go on movment so colour wouldnt even come into it .jmo
  15. here you go a bit of info on the arva ARVA A.D.vanced With multi-antenna becoming the de-facto standard in avalanche beacons French manufacturer Impex has introduced its latest model, the A.D.vanced. Adding a second antenna has the advantage of giving the searcher direction information. In theory this lets him home in on avalanche victims faster. ARVA A.D.vanced One problem has been the processing power of the transceiver. With limited power supply and constraints on battery life manufacturers have resorted to frugal embedded processors and sometimes the results have been les
  16. It will work but what are you going to do when you want to take it off and put it on? I think that what this tread was about. If you left a tab at the bottom you could pull it out in a split second aslong as its cut to the right size it should sit in without anything holding it. Give it a go, let us know what happens. cut all the legs of the filter and then on the inside rim sand it down so it pushes on and of with out all the noise ,it still stays on with no probs but can be pulled of with ease ,works fine for me
  17. have a beddy cross here and wasnt intrested untill it was 3 years old ,now she gets the odd dig if every things in sick bay ,can come good sometimes starting a little older
  18. can,t reply to your pm mate ,but thought you could be gettin mixed up with the dealer dog ,and no i have never heard of the preacher
  20. good going rich ,she startin to take shape now looks just like penny ,keep her at em :thumbs:that banking looks like it may hold a redun or too watch her for going to ground it wont be long now
  21. I'm on about the fashion. was born 1970 and would love to do it all again ,remeber the mk 1 escort police cars and the mini metro late 70,s no helicopters or mobiles and if you could run faster than the copper you got away ,ahh the good old days ,was hard times though (lol) and if you messed around in school the teacher would kick the shite out of you
  22. I'm on about the fashion. was born 1970 and would love to do it all again ,remeber the mk 1 escort police cars and the mini metro late 70,s no helicopters or mobiles and if you could run faster than the copper you got away ,ahh the good old days ,was hard times though (lol)
  23. Never had any luck finding that online, looks a good one though. bt junkie its on ther with english subs
  24. I will get a Kingfisher this year i can feel it , cant guarantee it wont be blurd though
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