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dog fox

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Everything posted by dog fox

  1. or someone who takes about a week to slip his dog when the younger dog is running on its own ,dont think he wanted his dog to get there first I knew you'd spot that one see you tomorrow when the suns gone down
  2. or someone who takes about a week to slip his dog when the younger dog is running on its own ,dont think he wanted his dog to get there first
  3. yes mate its the same lamp as the striker ,same bulb same draw on battery the only diference is the blitz has a bigger reflector in it but same bulb 100w ,im with bird on this one they are worth every penny and have never run it out in one nights lamping , they seem to last forever and you dont get any fading with the beam from when you start using it till it turns off when flat ,also if you use a 50w bulb there is not that much difference between the 50 and 100w but the batterey will last twice as long again probs more than the hours of darkness
  4. nice pic that mate,found one myself other day ,which is a first for round were i go ,but there seems to be a few about this year ,will get a pic next time im over that way
  5. try experimenting with a few different colour filters on your lamp till you find the one that suits you ,the dog will see it anyway
  6. there are plenty of beagle packs running hare, and they do go for hours sometimes as they are a scent hound not a sight hound
  7. my bitch has never bothered with any thing, been realy lucky realy but she,s never been intrested in sheep or cattle or birds ,even young lambs when they run right in front of her ,she,ll jump lambs when coarsing sometimes too .she,s even been cut off her run a few times by sheep trying to move out of her way while running and she just breaks off a comes back .been realy lucky with her in that department
  8. I tried that once mate, nearly done my back in carrying the windscreen!!! try taking it out of the car first
  9. yes you can -- a white dog from black and tans is a lakeland ? a white bitch from black and tans is a lakeland ? mate the 2 to throw whites and what are the progeny ? true white lakelands -- are they not ? otherwise what are they ? and dont give me crossbred terriers coz thats what they all are at the end of the day .. spot on ,they are lakelands just white in colour
  10. cheers mate what ml per injection for a small terrier and whats best place to admin it
  11. YOUR CORRECT BELLMAN DIDNT MAKE PIEPS BOX THEY JUST GOT THERE NAME ON FRONT REGARDS DABCHICK all box,s and collars work on 457 khz ,but collars dont receive only send .the ortovox d3 is supose to have crystals in it that dont last and can drift abit from freqency giving no reading or eratick readings . the barryvox pulse will even tell you if the person your looking for is still alive by giving a pulse reading on the screen if there,s no pulse there dead lol might as well just go home lol
  12. sure that stuffs for big tackle horses ect df stick to the synulox you tight fisted old git lol just got this for seven quid for 100ml until the synulox comes ,seems a lot of fuid 1ml to sqeeze into that little bum cheek lol,
  13. your terriers are twice the size of mine lol ,but yes its good stuff alright .i got the ivomec super for cattle fmwtc and have had no problems with that either and works the same . other good stuff is this mate couldnt get it for a few year but its back on the market ,no more mites at all now mate this is very good stuff http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HARKAMITEX-Duramitex-replacement-from-Harkers_W0QQitemZ390172584657QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Pet_Supplies_Birds?hash=item5ad8192ad1
  14. correct mate if the bellman box is switched to send then the barryvox will find it and viceversa,all the receivers are made to find each other and the collar for dogs was made later
  15. intermuscalar penacillin ,has any or doe,s anyone use this pennacillin instead of jabbing into loose skin on back of neck its to be injected into muscle ,ive never used this kind before so though i,d ask before using it any one use the stuff and is it as good as the normal stuff cheers ...DF
  16. use ivomec mate ,0.3 ml for a terrier you can buy it from any farm supplies just say its for cattle when asked ,benzyl benzonate dosnt work that well on mange and the dog might get worse ,ivomec kills just about everything in the dogs body including round worm, heart worm, lung worm mites and anything else lurking ,if you got other dogs to give them a jab if you got any lurchers with collie in them then i wouldnt do them as collies cant deal with the stuff and is said to be fatal ,i do my terriers all the time with it and a bottle costs about £25 and will last the dogs life .
  17. get some synulox injectable or tablets if you can this will clear it up in no time ,make sure there is nothing in the wound like charlies frount k9 and if you cant get any anti,s then take him to a vet ,sounds like its infected as all the puss is dead white blood cells which have been sent to kill off the infection ,i would keep a close eye on that one mate and get something sorted asap ........good luck.....try not to use penacillin because the infection has already got going and it will not work as good or not at all penacillin is only any good before the infection starts as most bactiria is
  18. only the bitch with the white blaze is an axle terrier.the other 2 are mine and have no axle blood. If you let me know how lass is bred, i'll tell you if she is related in any way but she is not in the direct blood of that bitch. not sure myself mate but looks spit of kimbo ,thats what made me think. she belongs to jm .nice stamp by the way
  19. axle are these dogs related to a bitch called lass by any chance
  20. you getting rid of some dogs pal ,making a bit of room are we

  21. So you think it's ok to slag off a man on the "hearsay" of some "fella"??? hope your proud of yourself!!!!!!!! The man has done more for working terrier's than most and has been very good to alot on this site,so keep your stupid f**king comments to yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what your f*****g problem... its true do he did buy patts from other people and sell them as his own.... :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :crazy: i know he,s just bought a litter off someone ,but these dogs no one else would get a sniff of ,i have a bitch here that goe,s back to thatcher and boarderer and a 3 year o
  22. yes i have a 1000d body but i normally use a canon 55/250 is lens 1:4- 5.6 i think its 10.1 mega pixels thanks kay
  23. just out of intrest kay is this your camera Canon 1000D / Rebel XS 10.1MP Digital SLR Camera with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens ,you have took some amazing pics of the water shots and wondered what camera you was using and cant believe that its only 10.1 mega pixel ...............cheers kay
  24. me and gnipper will come down and thin them out abit if you want
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