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dog fox

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Everything posted by dog fox

  1. looks quite pleased with himself ,all in a good days work
  2. be instant death if they do
  3. . i dont need a world beater but i want a game tryer.. well said that mate ,as long as they try there best when out ,as they only get better with age and the right managment and a lot of patiance which some people havnt got .i picked a young bitch up at 6 months old and she is now 18 months ,when i first got her out in the field at 11 months old she wouldnt run a rabbit or leave my side or get out of the van even . a few took the piss but i laughed it off and said she,ll come good when she,s ready .she progressed slowly to running rabbit daytime and then onto the lamp ,she would run a r
  4. thanks for replys lads ,got sparrow hawks round me so they probs wont last that long anyway ,think i,ll have a go though
  5. cheers kay ,have had two pairs fighting over it but i think the first pair on the scene have claimed it
  6. crows are very inteligent and will use whats to hand ,at least you can sleep at night again and good post too
  7. took these other day ,first time they,ve used it so hope it goe,s well for them, will put the chicks up when they here
  8. Well maybe you use bigger plugs more, as you now have this theory. Plus it depends what you call small and what you call big. I have had pike to 30lb+ on very small spinners, plus when wobbling baits, i find the smaller produce quicker, and just as good fish.. I fish a privately owned loch on an estate in scotland. You cant tempt a fish with a lure over 8", everything falls to small stuff, strange i know but true... true mate used to use them alot on are canal and do good on them but water was very coloured ,jerk bait about 8 inch and get small jacks in the plenty ,another lake i
  9. Well maybe you use bigger plugs more, as you now have this theory. Plus it depends what you call small and what you call big. I have had pike to 30lb+ on very small spinners, plus when wobbling baits, i find the smaller produce quicker, and just as good fish.. I fish a privately owned loch on an estate in scotland. You cant tempt a fish with a lure over 8", everything falls to small stuff, strange i know but true... true mate used to use them alot on are canal and do good on them but water was very coloured ,jerk bait about 8 inch and get small jacks in the plenty ,another lake i
  10. im thinking on getting a pair of fantail doves for the back garden ,would like to know how messy they are and if they are any trouble to keep any info would be great
  11. i,d say its a buzzard maybe one of last years on its first attempt ,here,s another i didnt take the pic but the nest looks right
  12. hannah mushroom took the pic while i held the lamp ,we are not the same person and what ever he told you mushrooms are full of shit and best kept in the dark lol
  13. Chalky,. that was not aimed at you in any way ,you knew the man personaly no doubt and if you had personaly issues then that was between the both of you and no one else and defo not to be discussed on a public forum .i was only stating something i was told by a good sorce and no other names were mentioned in the conversation and was not trying to stir things up good luck
  14. always found big plugs work best even for the smaller fish ,never had much joy on spinners ,catch plenty of big chubb on them though
  15. good pics ,but the tree creeper wins it for me
  16. thought that myself . he must of pissed someone off along the way
  17. i heard once that he helped D.harcombe out on a couple of occasions .once when he splitt up with his wife and was very down and once when david had a fire in his home and brian lent him money to get back on his feet and rebuild his house ,this is what i heard so dont qoute me on it pls ,but if its true, why all the hate as he was a descent guy to do this in my eyes. putting the dog world to one side ,
  18. seen these a couple of weeks back ,not the best pics but didnt want to keep blinding them with lamp so just took a couple and hoped for the best ,mum was keeping a close eye on them
  19. i,ll keep my eye on her just for you , was to close for comfort so only got a couple of shots ,didnt want to push my luck lol
  20. took these today ,nice to see she was still there
  21. took these today ,nice to see she was still there
  22. can anyone post me a copy of the dvd in question would be much appreciated ,cheers . DF
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