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Everything posted by Extremetaz

  1. yikes! hope she heals up ok for ya lad.
  2. Have used the Styer LG100 (predecessor to the 110) but only for 10m Olympic. There's an FT version of it which is basically the same rifle juiced up from 7J to 16J. Can't speak for the latter, but the former is a fantastic rifle to shoot. Great balance and can be adjusted to accomodate any shooter.
  3. even resting on a bag isn't great from what I understand - you need to be supporting them with your front hand. bipod is a definite nono.
  4. We own the HW100T FAC in .177, the HW100KT in .22 and the HW90 FAC in .177. They're all sublimely accurate if you do your part. Having said that - I've yet to hear a bad word said about the s410, and it is about half the price. For my money though, I'd have the Weihrauchs in any case.
  5. I have a bipod, but it spends most of its time in the bag. Used it initally, and when I was testing ammo - basically just allowed me to keep the rifle as still as could be done so I could assess group sizes & ballistics over range. Now that I have all that data, I do any target work sitting and kneeling, primarily because I like the challenge and I need the practice. Any fieldwork then, I'll prop myself against a tree or some such and do the same as, as has been mentioned, we owe it to the quarry not to stuff the shot. Am considering getting some shooting sticks though -
  6. Have the HW100KT in .22 and the HW100T FAC in .177 here. Both are fantastic but the 'KT is the one every time if I'm gonna be walking around. If I'm camping in one spot though, then the .177 comes into it's own. There are plenty of lighter and cheaper machines out there though, so it depends on your budget as well.
  7. HW100KT .22, HW100T FAC .177, and a Remi Model 34 (.22LR) here. All equally effective - but I really do love the .177.
  8. This is true - the reason for that is that it's slightly sharper on account of there being one less element involved. However, the IS will give you a steady shot (assuming a static subject) at shutter speeds equivalent to 2 stops above the non-IS lense. So for freehand use in fading light, it's a far more flexible lense (and particularly if you're using the extender). Further to that, there's 2 IS modes, one of which only eliminates vertical movement and is incredibly useful when tracking. I use this mode regularly for motorcycles, my application for the OP would be for dog shots.
  9. some very nice shots in there - nice job!
  10. The 300's a decent enough mid-entry level back, no question there - but that's a kit lense - as soon as you have the oppertunity, shift it on and get yourself some proper glass. If it's action shots you're going for, unfortunately glass that's gonna serve you well is pretty expensive. You need to be able to gather lots of light for action shots in order to keep the shutter speed down - this means lots of glass - and that means lots of money. There's plenty of mid-low range stuff that'll get you buy if you're not sure you're gonna stick with it, or if you just plain don't have the readi
  11. Load of bollox in the Herald today with their motoring columnist speculating that Audi will be none too impressed with the association of their Q7 (which they gave her it seems) and field sports. Tell ya this much - I've a hell of a lot more time for the woman now - will definitely be keeping an eye out for more game recipies from her.
  12. that's it right there. I can't use a springer to save my life - couldn't one hole at even 10 meters (and I compete in 10m olympic!) I'm all over the place with it. My auld lad however would nearly embarrass any 10 meter shooter. Gave him some 10 meter targets a few months back and he was grouping about 15mm edge to edge, free standing, through ironsites, with his HW90, from 10 meters without any supportive clothing. (I couldn't manage much better than that with a 603 without kit!) He'll take a jam jar lid every time at 50 meters. ...but that's what he grew up using and, granted
  13. Faber 7L 300bar and the reg that came with the HW100.
  14. It's the currency that's in trouble Max, not the Eurozone (not yet at least). Travel, trade, etc... won't be affected by the demise of the currency so no change to how borders will be perceived (ie: Ireland will still have handed away 70% of it's fishing rights!) or managed. as for the cheap holidays - they're only cheap if you can afford them.
  15. Whether or not you can teach yourself comes down to a few things. You need to answer the following questions honestly to yourself: - Can you sing in key ie:do you know what "in tune" sounds like? - Can you keep time ie: can you tap your foot to a bassbeat or a snare? - Do you have the time to commit? - because it takes a lot of it. If you can't keep time, or carry a note then you're definitely going to need help with it. Assuming the answer is yes to those three questions, then do some reading up on scales and practice practice practice. You'll manage just fine. My advice
  16. not sure what the situation is for you guys, but over here, deposits up to €100k are govt. guaranteed regardless of what happens the banks - don't know if that's a common thing or not.
  17. Wayyyy too late for gold at this stage dude - that boat has sailed. It might go up a little farther at this stage, but you're talking single % figures, so there's near zero scope for a return and massive exposure when the folk that got in early enough decide to cash out - and they will - in the next few years. If you're investing in things after the point at which everyone has started talking about investing in it - you're already too late as the bulk of the potential for return is already gone.
  18. As far as I understand it, the principle concern for you guys would be that in the event of the euro failing, Sterling will retain it's net worth. Whilst that may sound good initially, in a market where everyone else will ultimately wind up devaluing their own currencies, British exports will become uncompetitive. So while domestic trade and imports will be fine, any industry involved in export would be in for hard times - it's the feedback from that into your system then that will cause the problems. That's only my limited understanding though - I'd actually be very interested in
  19. Where my own actions are concerned, I'll be the judge of what is and isn't necessary. But I'll accept that olive branch.
  20. I work in Trinity College, have done for the last 7 years - come on over anytime you fancy a chat smartass. And I did read your post - but your original post reads that although you were put onto the land, the farmer wasn't expecting you on the land and didn't know you from Adam. That's what I was taking exception too. @ KittleRox - Appreciate the effort at engaging in actual discussion rather than ridicule, and I can understand the point - but it's a chicken and egg situation and without common courtesy there's little way to differentiate between the demographics you layed out. A
  21. Right - it would appear to come down to this. Harm done, or no harm done I do not see the need for trespass. I have more respect for the landowners than to do it. I guess you'll all just have to pardon me for having that little bit of integrity. It's clearly entirely absent among most on this thread.
  22. I'm from a farming community - not a farmer myself mind, but all of my neighbours are. A large part of my youth involved labouring with these neighbours and I spent a lot of time on their land on horses both with and without dogs. Perhaps it's through close contact with them and the clubs that use their land but I'm critically aware of how farmers feel about having people they don't know on their ground - and even moreso, people who've made no effort whatsoever to introduce themselves before entering said ground. Most farmers are solid country folk - they've no proplem with any for
  23. For a small cylinder, the pump is fine - auld boy has a pump for his HW100KT, fills in no time. I use a 7L cylinder most of the time but the pump is still perfectly viable for my machine (HW100T FAC). If you've something with a bigger cylinder though, I'd definitely go with the bottle.
  24. All is it is a bit of manners lad. Put on or not - farmer didn't know you were there and didn't know you. You never made any attempt to sort that beforehand. Does your mammy know how she raised you? It's bad form - end of.
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