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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. Sad too hear of your loss lad the dog looked in top form for what age she was
  2. Think they are 394 I think not 100% or the 9v battery in the locator box
  3. Have you had the dog tested for auto immune disease also mites can cos the symptoms I once had a choc lab with auto immune and he turned out too be allergic too every thing grass mites and grain food bread cheap dog foods and the things about mites they are infested in carpets and bedding as gem has said also different washing powders also even if ur on a hypo allergenic food some can still have things in it my lab could not eat lamb chicken or beef or any other grain prouducts have you tried pig and sulphur oil
  4. There is something I watched once about America's show dogs they had the vet remove something in the ear too make it look the way they wanted it too can't think of what it was and can remember thinking why the f**k would any one bother if the ears don't match the breed then don't breed from it
  5. The land I have now some coursing lads used too give the old boss abit of money too run the hares preban funny I know get it for a bottle of whiskey and odd pheasants and ducks
  6. Never understood why some body would dump a dog I mean its not hard too find a pet home or sell it or give it too some one for free that wants the dog
  7. Here use too wacth track men doing it when I was younger prtty simple really some bitches just would not stand for some dogs
  8. It can depend on the dog I know I made a hard choice last month in getting rid of my lurcher bitch and found a home that suited her
  9. http://www.kennelstore.co.uk/shop/commercial-kennels/single-commercial-kennel-429 Would be something I would consider buying if money was not a problem
  10. I say we gather as many packs of hounds as we can and start walking past every mosque in the country when there finished preying
  11. I wonder how much that whole thing weighed
  12. Why don't you try your hand at farm work general farm hand will take about 300 a week plus house and over time normal days 7 too 5 only problem is you have too work weekends
  13. I do it with every dog I also click my fingers when training basic commands also train when to run with a hiss but I don't go overboard or train like I would a sheep dog though
  14. I would remove some of it were ur going too be feeding in a bit of the shallow water and remove enuf for there flights in and see how it goes next year if there eating it down leave it and keep we're ur feeding clear
  15. Sorry too hijack ur thread has the new law came into action yet that u need too do a course too snare animals
  16. Are u realising ducks or u trying too attract wild ducks


    Funny thing donkeys when I was in Nz we used too have about 40 bulls on the farm and one donkey if there in a group of bulls they break up fights used too watch the donkey kick f**k out of bulls if they started too fight
  18. they have already started to silage here, by far the earliest i have ever known They've been out at it for about a week here too mate, tractors everywhere today.. Plenty of grass growing here though, might start saving my lawn clippings up and baling it! There was bales left to rot in the field down the road all winter, how much is one of those big round ones worth? depends on quality can range from 25 too 50 if wrapped
  19. that's nothing when I first moved in this house 4 years ago my bill was 880 a year it's now 1680 a year
  20. The biggest thing I've seen this year were silaging in 2 weeks and there is f**k all on the fields cos we are in are last bay of silage and the grass is about too shoot and in the last 7 years I've never seen us so close to having no feed for the cows are first cut will be in a week before we are opening the pit back up we never used too open first cut silage till third cut was in and that's round August time so here is hoping for a better year in 2014 cos the last three years have not been good I can see a big cull of some of are cows this year
  21. Good working sheep dogs fetch a lot of money one dog on a sheep hill farm could be worth there weight in gold I know a few lads that spent up too £3000 for sheep dogs
  22. Worst one is a friend that says he wants too come only too ring me at 1030 too come pick him up from the pub so u have too watch after a piss head and lamp then an hour in asks too head back too get a pint in before the pub shuts or when u take out a 12 year old brother with you and they ask question after question all night long and walking infront of the lamp I don't know how many times I've slapped my brother over the head while lamping
  23. Have u tried it on a lamp my cocker here would only check cover if it had a scent leading into to the cover which is fine if there is always scent so I spoke too a old friend that used too do a lot of rabbiting and advised me too take the dog out on its own lamp the rabbits make sure the dog sees them before they enter cover and let the dog off too chase into cover and then try the dog during the day after the night on the lamp it was like a switch clicking on in my cocker he will enter cover and hunt without being told now
  24. It was the dog with the lighter
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