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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. I get a sore back about twice a year get pain in the lower part of my back and pains in my ass and legs the only thing for me that does any good is a Cyropractor the only pain free medicine that will take all the pain away is strong pain killers but i cant work while taking them so as soon as my Cyropractor clicks me in place instant relief if your doctor said going too a Cyropractor is k I would be there the next day mate they have magical hands Iam actually going the morn lol
  2. I can't stand the heat here in the parlor 400 cows in a tin sheet shed going too milk cows in the boxers the day


    Aberdeen Angus bull horns for sale looks like rhino horn lol
  4. http://www.daf-petfood.co.uk/ I used these lads last year they were spot
  5. will you still be wanting this ferret then lol no a bad idea that rather summer than winter but aye mate ill be needing a log burner in it for winter and as for the ferret Iam still trying too find some spare time too get up got hay making this week and 2 cut next week so can't be for at least 3/4 weeks though
  6. Wish i dint have too work weekends my weekend consisted of getting up at 3 got coverd in shit milking cows got a kick in the arm and sweating my balls off in a stinking parlor in the afternoon now too tired too even cook fancy sending me some meat not had smoked venison in years
  7. U have run out of space I think mate try delete some see I'f that helps YOU have run out of space I think mate try delete some see if that helps
  8. The funny thing about money it does not matter how much you have you can still waste it just as quick as it come in some of the best times of my life has been when I've got nothing no house no car nothing the best times for me has been when I've been on the road with nothing more then a rucksack for the last 2 months I have really thought about buying a caravan and hitting the road this year has been the worst of it is ill be working close too hours a week and only getting 2 days off every 14 days I have no life and Iam still in debt it's true once your in debt it's five times harder getting
  9. thats what every one forgets about them there breed too be running a 100miles a day a 1 mile walk a day does not cut it with this breed a friend had 4 of them he used too have a rolling sled thing he used too make them run 5 miles a day and he said that is the minimum in he's eyes he said a 20 mile run is what they need every day why folk buy them as pets ill never know
  10. I can never take my dog shooting the bugger will come back with more game then I can shoot
  11. can I ask how much she runs them
  12. Don't have any of the hunting ones but my girlfriend has a few of the horse ones
  13. Yeah agreed. At first I thought it was just the 'lurcher scream of death' as he runs about with the others well enough, but he keeps raising it and crying when he's at rest, thinking there might be an underlying fracture maybe - going get him booked into vet monday thanks You will be best seeing a running dog specialist mate. A good one will tell you the problem from a look and feel. Run of the mill vets just see pound signs. They will want keep him in, do scans and X-rays, you name it - £££££ can depend on your vet though gaz even some running dog specialst will still want the dog X-r
  14. Yeah agreed. At first I thought it was just the 'lurcher scream of death' as he runs about with the others well enough, but he keeps raising it and crying when he's at rest, thinking there might be an underlying fracture maybe - going get him booked into vet monday thanks You will be best seeing a running dog specialist mate. A good one will tell you the problem from a look and feel. Run of the mill vets just see pound signs. They will want keep him in, do scans and X-rays, you name it - £££££ can depend on your vet though gaz even some running dog specialst will still want the dog X-r
  15. some dogs can't be perfect I have one here that I can hiss on down the beam but you have no hope in hell if he sees something too sit down and wait till he is hissed on
  16. Can work mine off the slip if we're on are own the only problem I have with it is trying too stop the dog from running at a certain distance off them cos there is no listening with this dog if he sees some thing
  17. Can't beat a laid back lurcher in the house one of my pet hates is a dog that runs and jumps about the house for hours on end
  18. My fields were like that last month but myxie has popped it's ugly head up not looking so good up this way now


    I've met 4 gypsy family in my life one lot complete ass holes another lot were just not right in the head another few lads k would not trust them but decent enuf and another family that I would trust with my bank card took me in for a while gave me a roof over my head some food in my belly and helped me out making some money too get home so there just the same as any one else in my book good and bad
  20. 1 penny chews that actually cost a penny
  21. I would be up for it if there is a comp this year good enuf reason too get out the house for the night
  22. The old bomber jackets not seen one in years
  23. Most of my permission is coverd in the stuff I tend too just forget the nets when doing holes near it just put ferret in and let dogs have a run just mind and take a hand saw if you need too dig though
  24. My advice is don't get a small tatto and make sure you know what you want mate and remember you don't have too accept the first drawing the tattooist offers you and try and search for a good tattooist that is good just not any old tattooist down the road I mean look for a tattooist that is good enuf too be in completions and win and you will pay for a good tatto but it is there for life here is the difference Between a £20 too a £300 tatto
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