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Everything posted by BIGLURKS



    Best one this week lol
  2. ? the fella said his family used to be market gardeners could be I Miind my grandad telling me he used too use something just like it too feed the Kai there tatties and turnips but you might be right I was 10 at the time
  3. Honda probably about 2 grand for a k one

    Duck Hawking

    Just a genreal question here been reading threw the falconry section for the last year even thought about getting a bird last year but decided after reading books and watching DVDs I def dint have the time too think about one back then but due too a job change Iam getting back into reading about birds the only thing I can never seem too find is many folk flying birds at ducks or at least many topics on it I can get the basics of folk using gos hawks and falcons can any one recommend me a book or some great info on who hunts ducks with there birds or type of birds or why more falconers tend too
  5. Just too show how much Scotland is being f****d bye city dwellers moving too the country when my mum bought her house 3 bedroom detached 10 years ago thousand just had it priced 240 thousand now how the hell can any young person offord that and that is the genreal price for even the old council houses there was a 1 bedroom flat going for 110 thousand just last week and I mean it is tiny the country is f****d Iam going too buy a caravan cos buying a house round here is impossible now
  6. I think use lot have a lot more luck with cars then me in last 3 years I've had a l200 a Mazda a rover a vectra a jimmy a omega and now on a old style transit touch wood nothing wrong just yet
  7. In the middle of a pub but it was a cocker and a terrier just stopped in for a pint after shooting sat down with a pint dogs lying on my jacket the old dear behind the bar brought out two biscuits for them as she has done since they were pups as she walked away all hell broke loose couple of quick snaps at each other terrier grabs the cocker bye the ear and won't let go cocker was screaming the pub down me rolling about the floor trying too separate them terrier finally let go after scurffing the terrier and lifting it cocker spun round and had a hold of its leg finally let go got cocker sc
  8. How much are they? I'm too lazy and short of time right now to check XD got myne for 10 quid
  9. the John Seymour is really good best book out off all them the canning book is Wilbur f Eastman jr author and it has everything you need too know from how too build smokers too recipes and talks about everything and I mean everything every types of cuts and exact times and things you need too do canning and also how long you can leave things before things start going wrong
  10. What the f**k was that all about. You need a whippet for that sort of ground fella that dog was too big very lucky it didnt snap a leg. Dog was game tho give it that dog was about 23 or 24 if that's to big well tell me the size that you need for a lamping dog rabbits on land like that 19 to 21 inch fella nice and sharpe turns. Sumat like beddi whippet or pure whippet. When using big dogs thats when things go wrong ive done it then learned from it. dam I knew there was some thing wrong with my dog he is too big I best get me another dog
  11. It actually clicked for me when I started watching that doomsday preppers I read that before about britains debt it made me think if all hell broke lose how the hell would I even get white bread or jam cos no offence too any one I was a dairy men and I didn't even know how too make cheese or butter or how too grow veg so instead of being nuts and spending a fourtune stockpiling food I'd just buy books and learn how too do certain things too survive just incase
  12. did the dog catch the rabbit in the end the dog done well too get back up out after that ditch not bad going for a pup
  13. No I should of listen too every one I was a f***ing idiot
  14. now what... find some were too live find a job that is not 100 hours a week
  15. Well I just quit work broke up with the girlfriend
  16. Note too all if any girl does this she is a nut case stay well clear
  17. Any one else just get the feeling of just quiting your job or just not turning up
  18. Being realistic, I would say 4 to 1 was pretty good odds in a street type tare upf**k aye, but they 4? They looked like they didn't really want to do it if that makes sense? I bet if you banged one in the jaw straight away and started advancing, the other three would think "hold on a minute?"and you would be in the do dar if they didn't Your right, but I for one would be willing to find out if that situation ever arose, one things is for definite. nobody really knows how they would react, for some it comes natural, for others it takes training and for the majority theres the internet Years
  19. yes mate just predictive text changing it
  20. I really don't get this guy what is so wrong with him he could of got a guys head and sunk he's teeth into he's ear when you get into a fight like that there is no rules play dirty or get knocked out even doing a whirl wind action with he's fist would of made more sense then what he done
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