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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. Thx god Iam friends with my vet think I would slap my pal if he tried too charge me more then 50 for a couple of sticthes
  2. Very good read that wish there was more story's like that on here
  3. Well finally got home from work at about 10 really dint have any plans for going out the night usually if I know Iam going out I will get the dog out of the kennel early too make sure all the other dogs don't get stirred up well dint have that choice so all had too go for a quick walk well finally after all is happy got the dog loaded took me about 20 mins to get there and what a waist of time click the lamp nothing happening could not be a worst start so of back home so out comes the tools after about half an hour finally figure out what's wrong the bloody connector on the cig connection is
  4. Sorry too here that just mind you got some good years together
  5. Damn right it luck exist I've still not one the euro millions but I know one of my friends is a lucky got always wins at betting skipped out from going too jail 6 times list goes on
  6. I know the idea of paying for rabbiting permission is daft as hell but can't blame the lad for wanting too get out and doing something
  7. Only types Round here in numbers are teal mallard widgeon not sure if snipe and are classed As duck Iam sure there are more types about but that's just what we shoot mainly
  8. I think it would be hard too please everyone if u were start trying too breed dhx too make a type cos every one has a main agenda the way they would like the cross too go but if you were too adapt the way the Americans are breeding there staghounds be ruthless in your culling and breeding too get the certain type everybody wants but I can't see the kc reg types being any more use then what we alrdy have but I think you would struggle too find folk willing too put there bitch over another dog they haven't seen or somebody's dog that they have not seen take my dog for example he is a dhx but not
  9. that dog in your picture looks worth a few bob, has it got cray knuckles giraffe in itthat dogs not worth anything keep it round as a pot licker does better on the lamp then anything
  10. Ask your self how much a pure greyhound track dog cost then 1500 dosnt seem that much too me
  11. they have a hole at the ends that you tie off at its about 3 and a half foot long usually get them off the boat the worn ones that they just scrape
  12. One of the best things I've found for anchors are dredging swords I've never had one come out in 15 years of setting a net and you can't get them out easy easy
  13. Dairy farmers have gods amount of the things think the farm I stay at as about 18 barrels in the old loft
  14. Ask a dairy farmer nice for a rubber cow mat they usually have one kicking about
  15. Got a cocker here that's a suicides cases on the back of a pickup going from one drive too another 6 mile away we were all sat Down talking dint the bloody dog see a pheasant on the side of the road pick up going about 30 mph dog straight over the side
  16. That's some cracking kennels wish I owned my own house would do something similar should be nice and dry in there easy too clean as well
  17. not too bad but you need a lot of little places for territory that's what I've found and I had too remove all fish smaller then them cos they were eating tetras when they got
  18. Some off them old ones can go for a grand it's the certain brands though
  19. Never seen one ferreting but seen a pal getting bit In he's toe when checking nets one night good job we were pished cos it put a hole in he brand new wellies at the time and all I could do is roll about laughing my tits off
  20. Yea that's just abit f****d up
  21. This was my first time ever making a purse net a few mistakes in it but not too bad I think
  22. I think it's or 3 pound a copy a month for edrd or 40 something a year
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