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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. Hes a topper him mate. What a fine animal hows he bred?cant remember the percantges but bull grey with a touch of saluki I think
  2. she fall off her bike? who was having a rest on a bench
  3. Very lucky lad but a lot of folk say folk will lose the will too live sometimes I think that has got the biggest thing too do with it sometimes they told my gran she would be dead within month she went on for 2/3 years still drinking a bottle of barcardi and a pack a day
  4. About 8 month ish now getting big though done a little but will be full swing bye next season
  5. I know they can do it in cows not sure on prices though
  6. Can't remember the exact place but it was in Durham or very close he was after a bitch from the breeding but only got dogs ive got he's name at home on the docking certs ill pull it out when I get home
  7. About 2 years ago I got a couple of pups from a lad near Durham he has got 2 green gates with terriers on I told him I would give him a bell tell him how they get on but I've lost he's number he had a chocolate bitch that he put a Lakeland over does any one know him
  8. I was always told too feed separate either meat in the morning nuts at night can't remember why just something the old greyhound lads used too say
  9. get two lurcher pups at the same time feck that one pup is enuf don't you think
  10. think it depends on how much running your going too be doing but I personally don't risk it
  11. the blacks of Africa need some food see it on tv all the time just tell them its sushi 2 problems sorted with one stone as they say
  12. Any one know the best places too buy fully rigged up bass/mullet gill nets
  13. Really big shark coming I want too know who the f**k swims in the sea in this country I live next too 5 beaches and I barley see any one in the dam water any way can't mind the last time it was warm enuf too jump in the sea in Scotland
  14. Not a bad topic this thx too all the lads that posted not a bad read
  15. Well f**k these e cigs I've been on one since sat not a single fag and Iam coughing more then what I was with the Rollie's
  16. Not bad mate tried too send you a msg but your inbox must be full paying on PayPal i take it and how do you want the picture mate Iam needing one done on a2 acrylic
  17. Telling ya mate as soon as she is rdy Iam needing a picture of me mut done as she not thought of prices yet
  18. Can still mind too this day my old man putting my brother and locking him in the kennel with 10 pups for 3 hours cos he cried when we were taking the dogs out for a run cos he was scared lol god knows were it came from there was always dogs about since we were born it worked though he even has a dog now
  19. that's it right there I used too know a few Afrikaners when I used too work in London not the black boys the white Dutch lads and that is how it is in that country they all told me simmilar story's you shoot first and don't bother asking questions they even have signs on some roads you will be raped I can mind a welder I used too work with would tell me the black lads would steal kids leave them in the middle of the road and wait till the drivers stop then they would rape steal and kill any one you wake up in that country and some c**t is in your bathroom I don't think the African boys I met w
  20. Baw your a legend just realised I can blag some broken pallets from work ill build me a new fence next week who would of known you've got brains mate
  21. Lol big red till the day they die and they go on for as long as some old men
  22. Kind of funny thing this I've worked on dairy farms for near all my life even worked in Australia on cattle stations and a big dairy farm in Nz and Iam sorry too tell yous but your 10 years too late too moan about farms being 2 big a avg sized 100 cow farm will employ about 1 person usually not all and some don't have any a 400 cow farm in the uk will employ about 7/8 plus contractors and summer hands the big farms may be wrong in your eyes but it is twice as much work as a small farm cos deadlines have too be met fertility has too be higher cos the cull rate is higher the feed is higher in pr
  23. I used too get 30-35 round town used too have a jimmy my mate used too have a vitara and said the same as me there handy if your just crossing the odd field and I never really got myne stuck not bad if you got a pal your going lamping with too open gates but if there the 3 door type you can forget having back seats I just prefare having a car and if I had the money spare would just get a quad up too your self though its your money
  24. Buy a quad mate and a little trailer there good little cars but ask yourself how much you need the 4x4 there not great on fuel some will argue on here and say there good I just never found them that good but if your going lamping with friends a quad is no use
  25. Dug a vixen last weekend full of cubs would not be long before she was going too drop then
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