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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. Here's a couple pics of mine been on before
  2. there looking well mate how's the other pups getting on
  3. that's bad luck mate, ive had bad back since the 80s , ive had 3 slipped discs in that time. its left with Arthritis of the lower back, get sciatica quite a lot. they never gave me any op ,just change job but in my case finished work at 50 .Its better than it was but its weak have to be careful what I do lifting or twisting with any weight .a op could cure you, but its always a risk with any op, I know some people had op and been ok, but I know 2 people had op and not much better since they been done .Its hard a one are you in a lot of pain all the while ( every day) if bad pain maybe go
  4. i know what you mean I was hoping for some good story's it cured everything and made it worth while
  5. Any one had an surgery done on there disks had a had back for about 7 year now and got a f****d disk and there talking about shaving it down or doing something cos it's affecting my sciatic nerve down my leg any one ever had surgery for this did it work or help pros and cons kind of thing
  6. Better then what my mate did was f***ing a girl so hard the f***ing thing collapsed on he's brother
  7. i got that aswell but after harping on for so long they get sick of you so they give in hahayouve def got a soft mother I can still mind breaking my arm in the morning on some swing thing straight too hospital reset plasterd woke up next morning too her kicking me out of bed and sending me too school I was 11 at the time lol can even mind her sending me in full of the cold shivering sweat pissing out of me she is a harde old type were if your still breathing you can go too work hell any money we made back in them days she used too make us pay digs at the age of 14
  8. Yous lot must of had soft mothers I just used too get well you can take it back from were you got it then
  9. Like they say you have too be in it too win or at least bid right before it ends I know there is a few more things Iam still debating with my self wether there going too go for more then what the tight b*****d in me thinks not too bid or not too bid
  10. Mind and keep the beer and whiskey prices down and the northerners will come you show them cheap drink sighn and they will come lol
  11. Was there not a film can't mind the name of it it dipictated the life of unmarried mothers and orphan children and the nuns can't mind the fecking name now it was a good watch too
  12. It's going too be all the sniper bids right at the end that will make me nuts
  13. well the gods must of favoured me last night mate 8 bass 7 mullet 2 mackerel and a lot of crabs lucky was able too get them all out before the crabs had brekki lost one mullet too crab damage but good going up this way for this time of year
  14. just feel your self lucky your not standing in the middle of a bay waiting on the tide going out for 40 mins cos you've miscalculated the tides all probably for 2 mullet or feck all lol
  15. The best of it is Iam doing Xmas shopping birthday shopping all rolled into one
  16. Got too love an auction of things that you want
  17. Just as long as you mind if you take serious money out of a bank do it in small lots it stops the bank sending out the automatic msgs pish that will alert her
  18. On a serious note I think it depends if he got the money while they were still together then she will be intittled too it I would tell him if he dosnt have a nice car go out and buy a brand spanking new one and claim in the divorce he needs the car too go too work but I don't have a clue best person too ask is a lawyer
  19. Take it out in lots under 9000 and book a ticket too las vegas
  20. Is it just me but I can't wait for this auction too start I've got too have my eye on about 8 lots Iam wanting too bid on alrdy
  21. I must of read that book about 20 times really does tell one hell of a story about the mans life though Iam not old enuf too have struggled like they did in them days but really does tell you what some family's had too do back in the day
  22. You can walk into some good jobs if you do the right courses my auntie was doing open uni courses when she brought her kids up she is laughing all the way too the bank now runs some council department in Wales good 50k a year


    that wagyu beef is worth it I used too eat in Australia the farm I worked on raised them for the market in Japan it is one of the best steaks ive ever eating


    I can't cook for shit still trying too find a half decent wife for that but I can cook too stay alive that's about it but I can make some kick ass pancakes little bit of fresh raspberrys and some honey little bit of cream job done in my book
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