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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. Use the system restore option of the deleted history folder
  2. It's when they end up in the car there a right pain in the ass don't know how many times I've been stung when working in a telehandler must look like a right daft c**t when the hand are waving all over the place


    Can some One explain what happens if we find another planet that can sustain life another earth are the gods theories correct then is there anything in the bible too say there is only one earth one god from my understanding there are thousands of suns like are one that will be able too create life I see it every day when sun shines on the grass it grows plants don't grow with out sunshine and if you look at any hydroponic system you'll find that plants don't need soil either just nutrients so if god created earth he needed too control the sun and as for the same other planets is god the sun
  4. Using the same old 170 with a 22 amp lithium battery Suits me we'll enuf for what Iam doing
  5. there k for a night on the bunnys not got the same range as a light force but very compact a mate is using he's for a second season now a lot less hassle has built in battery will do a good 5 hours lamping np and is not any heavier then a light force 170


    Good news lad give them hell
  7. what does it matter what size the bitch is??? He as said what he is looking for youve either got one or haventcos in normal studing a dog out you get a free pup from it and if the bitch is only 20tts it might not be what some one is after from a pup that pups could vary from 20 tts too 28tts it's a simple question and aye I do have a dog 26/27 tts with no bull with a little saluki in it the dogs coming 5 years oldNormal studding you normally get pick of litter or stud fee, so its simple if said bitch isnt to your liking and your dog was used as stud , charge a fee instead ...how do you know if
  8. it will turn into a 20 page topic and get locked I best not
  9. what does it matter what size the bitch is??? He as said what he is looking for youve either got one or haventcos in normal studing a dog out you get a free pup from it and if the bitch is only 20tts it might not be what some one is after from a pup that pups could vary from 20 tts too 28tts it's a simple question and aye I do have a dog 26/27 tts with no bull with a little saluki in it the dogs coming 5 years oldNormal studding you normally get pick of litter or stud fee, so its simple if said bitch isnt to your liking and your dog was used as stud , charge a fee instead ...how do you know if
  10. what does it matter what size the bitch is??? He as said what he is looking for youve either got one or haventcos in normal studing a dog out you get a free pup from it and if the bitch is only 20tts it might not be what some one is after from a pup that pups could vary from 20 tts too 28tts it's a simple question and aye I do have a dog 26/27 tts with no bull with a little saluki in it the dogs coming 5 years old
  11. We're the parents from digging stock or just ratters
  12. Not a totally balanced report, but does highlight some of the concerns that should be addressed before they start. TC The BGS are all over it. They've been watching as the rest of the world developed this technology and made the mistakes for us. We're ready, the tech and knowledge is here, lets take advantage of these unconventional resources while we can. while we can then what's your kids going too drink from what's there kids going too drink from if they f**k up now be honest how many f***ing idiots have you worked with in your life too say the folk doing the fracking won't
  13. Iam sorry but after watching that video fracking in this country has got too be the stupidest thing I've ever heard even if a little of that poison reaches farms water supply your f****d let alone human water supply and most farms water supply's are from the ground so In sense you poison the water you let beasts drink in essence your poisoning your own food and water Iam all for getting things from nature big windmills hydro power even nuclear power but that's just f***ing daft if you have too worry about being able too drink out your taps let alone a burn running threw a field f***ing nonesen
  14. We'll it was raining here the day maybe the sun will come out for the other 20 odd days


    Funny how a bit of a lol can brighting up a day
  16. Why not just get a tropical or marine tank seems a lot of hassle and expensive too keep just 2 fish
  17. You tried a local wildlife park or zoo they will buy them or mine does
  18. I think the time has come too get a pilot licence cos getting on a commercial plane is becoming a bit of a roll of the dice with your life
  19. 27 and single and have come too a conclusion women are pyscio nuts bat crazy bitches that can dig a 6ft hole in your wallet faster then I can dig 6ft too a terrier don't get me wrong there are some normal ones as normal comes but I seem too draw the nut jobs every time think you have too treat woman like dogs give it a couple of years if it don't make the grade get rid would be cheaper and easier if you could cull the nutty ones but you might get locked up for that so hump it and move on
  20. Nowt wrong with a spa day lad mind when I was contracting for 3/4 month we would be doing 14/16 hour days every day and at the end we all would go it's a good too relax after a lot of stress and bruises it's bloody sore when there massaging you though
  21. Been using it on cows feet for a few years as we'll
  22. You mean a dog trailer or to mount a dog box the same way you would a bike rack
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