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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. This pic just goes too show how rigged it is this is a no table look at the top stacks
  2. Still very close can go either way
  3. good wee watch that he has got some good points Scotland is voting for how it's country will be run not how Alex salmond wants too run it
  4. My old man was homeless in London when he was young slept ruff for a long time trying too get work eventually did 40 years on now owns he's own business in centre of London and too say the least has a few penny's too he's name you can't compare any homeless person some have real mental problems some just a touch of bad luck
  5. I use trawling swords got a few scatterd about my usal spots never come out and last 12 year plus I've tried the board thing like tiercel has mentiond but tend too use boards for the middle of the net ie 50 yards would have two end swords and one board in the middle 100 yards would have 2 boards in the middle spaced at 25 yards just incase you don't set right angle and she rolls on ya but as for anchors really if you wanted too use metal a bar with a hole in and bury it would be your cheapest option it's just handy if you do it right the first time you can go back too the same spot knowing you
  6. Not seem the ones with the cord the ones with the lithium battery built in are k for real small fields and just rabbits last about 6 hours on a night on bunnies but for any thing else your wasting your time they do throw a wide beam though not real tight
  7. It's not bad the new season just finished watching it the other day the one thing I wish they would do is less of the staged shit and put some cameras up on the traps there setting so you're getting too see the trap working it's the same when they have shot something it's like the hog scene when eustice shoots the hog they do a 15 mins tracking one hog that he got a perfect shot on was close too a banking but takes them ages too find it it's like 30 yards away from were they shot the dam thing For folk that have not got sky I got the whole 3 seasons of this site it's got all of season
  8. Going shit old injury alrdy starting too take it's toll and not very much on the ground since a rifle man poped round seems too have killed everything think going too have too put a few more miles in on the car this year
  9. Run beside the car get a quad pick one up cheap sell it on when your better that's my plan for this year any way going too try the dog on the quad while lamping won't be doing much walking myself this year with bad back but the quad is my plan any way
  10. The funny thing I find about all this is the amount of English folk that want too move too Scotland cos England is so f****d with foreigners moving into there land no wonder the scots want too take there country back we just want too stop the English from invading cos they keep buying all the f***ing houses up
  11. deny ken what your barking at should take a wee trip round London Bradford Manchester areas that many f***ing immigrants in England English is hardly the spoken language
  12. fb have tropical fish tank pages look them up there was a madenhead corner 900 litre tank not far from me going for £150 the other day It was probably the Aqua One 900 mate its only a 175 litre tank........far as im aware theres never been a 900 litre corner tank in production......certainly not sold by Maidenhead either......Maidenhead are a good example of what was mentioned earlier re advice......steer clear......who needs a 17 year old school leaver giving expert advice !! not sure weather too take that as a dig or not but you are correct it was this tank I was referring too and it's n
  13. fb have tropical fish tank pages look them up there was a madenhead corner 900 litre tank not far from me going for £150 the other day It was probably the Aqua One 900 mate its only a 175 litre tank........far as im aware theres never been a 900 litre corner tank in production......certainly not sold by Maidenhead either......Maidenhead are a good example of what was mentioned earlier re advice......steer clear......who needs a 17 year old school leaver giving expert advice !! not sure weather too take that as a dig or not but you are correct it was this tank I was referring too and it's n
  14. does he's tank have a light system in if it does I would go for live plants a tank does not really need them but for a visual aspect we'll worth it and plants need very little looking after bar a light system but the thing with real plants is they offer a lot of hiding places for fish and also help with nitrate problems though would suggest not buying moss balls they can be a pain in the ass but colourful rooted plants are great here's a couple pics of mine
  15. fb have tropical fish tank pages look them up there was a madenhead corner 900 litre tank not far from me going for £150 the other day
  16. can be very expensive my Unty has one a big Red Sea max thing she had over 2000 worth of fish in it and got some salt from a pet supplier in town within days she lost the whole lot in 2 days due too the salt being contaminated
  17. Won't go wrong with tetras and there are so many different types you get the neons penguin tetras the glow light tetras the black neons the glass neons the rummy nose tetras also zebra danios I've found the cherry barbs too do we'll as we'll some black widow tetras algae eater and plecs and a couple of Pepperd catfish croydos as we'll snails also rasaboras do well hundreds of types too choose from
  18. need a big big tank and lots of money have too be imported not seen Any uk breeders http://www.globalaquaticsinc.com/2012/08/exotics-special-goliath-african.html?m=1
  19. http://www.primewire.ag/watch-2729729-Danny-The-Champion-of-The-World
  20. Sorry can't find a link what about Danny the Champion of the World that used too be a good film
  21. Dogs rdy too go the owner has a f****d back and is currently on morphine and in pain so bit of a shitty start
  22. Think you have retired her why not sling a slip lead on and walk
  23. Your not actually looking for a lurcher then more a coursing dog or what's known as a long dog but as mud said look for a pup that the parents are doing what you want from the dog
  24. Here is a step bye step http://m.wikihow.com/Recover-Deleted-History-in-Windows If that fails you instal a spybot keyboard tracker just mind and make sure your antivirus dosnt see it as a threat
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