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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. 100 yards of multi mono net lol it's pretty clean but depends on we're your casting some bits have got more tackle hanked on then a fishing shop but I usally use bottom rigs in some spots free line a sand ell usally get a few cod in close but if you wait for going out tide you'll see the sand bottom you'll get a few doggies cod and pollack round that way was a lad not far from there was still catching bass in the net just last weekend about 4 miles away from brighouse if your up there for a while send me a pm I'll give directions or just take ya there softback and peeler crabs work well round
  2. just found this campsite open and looks pretty good? is this near where you mean lurks? http://www.gillespie-leisure.co.uk/content/view/31/128/ thats the one good fishing along the rocks just at the bottom of the camp site fish out too sea and the bay at the bottom were it's tidal you can get some good lug worms there's a few more camp sites all the way along too Stranraer as well
  3. Brighouse it's near bourgue or sutherness both in Dumfries and Galloway both right next too the sea and the bass and cod are here
  4. Really can't believe so many folk hate them fair enuf if your a gamekeeper birds go every where but how can yous forget waving sparkles around burning your fingers or your old man letting you light your first fire work and then running away as fast as you can it's like a right of passage for any kids even them poxy spinning wheels never actually spinning and then the Big Bang what's next if you ban fire works banning catapults never let your dog of the lead it would never stop
  5. youll find more then one trainer does that its been going on for years
  6. Sad things is it's just not the same kinda shock as what it used too be shit like this is being done every other week
  7. A lot might mind me putting up a topic about back pains we'll after all the hassle and getting there MRI and putting up with the back spasms and morhphine and pills left right and centre it had only taking the nhs 12 weeks to get my appointment for a specialist now here is the real kicker my old man was having back problems same as me but lucky for him he has private health care it had only took him 4 days too have a MRI and see a spinal specialist and too be offers the chance for surgery within 3 weeks why the f**k do we pay nhs
  8. Lot of meat for one night at least 3 chest freezers
  9. or you end up listening to 5 English men trying too speak Scottish and all sound like little girls cos they can't the twang
  10. I really can't see the problem with legalising drugs if folk are wanting too take them then they will I mean it's too the point of I know about 5 lads about 18/20 age range and are all willing too fly too Amsterdam just too smoke weed with out getting in trouble plus the revenue for tax and money that could be staying in the country as for heroine sure why not only too be taken in clinics and be supervised why not if they want too poison there body's why not let them do it safe and charge them and tax them for it as long as things like that are over the age of 20 why not
  11. I can mind hearing or reading can't mind witch the keepers of old days would put the odd black rabbit out into warrens and if they spotted the black one missing after a couple of days they knew they had poachers
  12. I'd go back too the times of gengis khan time just too see how he did it all
  13. Good read that it's a nice change when I find these kinda threads
  14. If your an iphone user there is a simple way go the new content page or any page that you want too load the first time you log on the click on the box with the arrow pointing up and click on the add too home screen page it will load a box in with your apps and it takes you straight too that same page you saved it as saves going threw safari all the time
  15. Deerxsalxbull or something along them lines you won't lose the height and you'll keep the strong bone structure that she alrdy has or it could end up all wrong or go a straight coursing dog route salxgrey just depends on how the pups would throw and depending on what your wanting them for just my 2 cents
  16. Was meant too be big lugs but auto correct came up with big lurks instead
  17. Used too know of one when I was younger can't show you a design but it was basically a square chicken pen next too the water with a small pen built onto the water with a funnel at water lever and some tame ducks in the chicken pen with some feed in the trap used too catch the odd duck
  18. Mind and keep an eye on her my old man once had a dog die on him a day later after near drowning very similar dog even walked home after it eat it's dinner died the next day with something wrong for the mind of me I can't mind what it was something with water in the lungs or something just a heads up is all
  19. go up too any female friends or even your girlfriend/wife and tell them there not too have kids cos you say so and do it with real attitude and enforce your opinion on them plz tell us how many times you get kicked in the nuts
  20. f***ing here we go getting the survival gear out and heading for the hills you know some one is going too bring it too the uk
  21. These lads don't seem too be too bad at the ducks
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