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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. k I'll explain life a little simply for a human too survive they need too eat drink and sleep and stay warm and clean that's it that's all it takes too stay alive everything else is want we live the way we live cos it's nicer too live in a house it's nice too be able too turn on the gas too get heat
  2. A good point in saying I don't know about you lot but as long as I can suck air in me lungs walk trap hunt fish knowledge of making moonshine and growing tobacco and veges even basics on hydroponics or ways too create free energy and know how too milk a goat cow or sheep and basic butchering skills no how too chop wood I think I'll live as long as the police don't start shooting at me that is wats the worst they going too do put us in prison and give us 3 meals a day life don't look too bad from we're iam sitting hell it could be worse could be dying of cancer if you start too think of money i
  3. Bacon roll for me bacon roll for the dog can't see them complain myne usually steals mine before I've got too eat it
  4. now that's not really true would you like too drive let's say 100 miles too see about pups and there full of mange and worms when a quick photo can give you a better chance of knowing the pups are in k health not saying fake photos can't be sent but at least gives you a better chance of getting a wrong one and saving your £15 quid in petrol and your time just too say I can see were your coming from about folk that are that way
  5. They must off put the price up cos there is no way I paid that
  6. Aye I had the same problem I could not figure a way too fix it had too buy a new one it was just out of warranty too it's only £10 something for a new one
  7. Could be if you could use something too detect a rabbit in stead of turning on your lamp if your in a lamp shy area and getting closer but you can Larry buy them things it's just the price of them


    just mind and get it in the national paper when you kick there ass mate give them hell
  9. You tube have good tutorials too help
  10. you can't get it cos purina beta stopped making it still some places online got some bags
  11. http://www.petfleas.co.uk/acatalog/QuickShop_Frontline.html
  12. http://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/beta-puppy-large-breed free delivery £25 cheapest I could find usually get good offers if you search about some companies do deals if your buying more then one bag
  13. Did you not try and get compensation or any thing done too them
  14. You can get dog food cheaper online too delivered cheaper
  15. It took me 3/4 nets too get the real hang off it try and do a few while not watching tv it helps
  16. Certainly is can't complain dint even no my old man had it he got him self a new one in the summer
  17. I recently moved in town well my dogs have never been known for understanding fences I can mind I was cleaning me nets in the garden and at the time getting a lot of shit from neighbours on all sides about dogs barking at the time I had a puppy bull x well dogs were playing in the garden while I was cleaning the nets on the washing line and the little toad stool of a woman next door come round bollacking at me about the dogs barking at this point iam rdy too shoot the the bitch but the thing is the fence between are gardens is not very tall and the dogs love too get fussed over bye strangers w
  18. Aye working out some of the settings the now think I've got most of it sussed
  19. Never really had a good camera before and got treated too second hand one from a family member for Xmas took some photos too test it out
  20. Best Xmas ever got a iPad and new camera for Xmas spinal operation was a success family is all at my mums get back too work in 2 months can smell the food from upstairs and going too have a drink today it's been 6 months without a single beer so nothing is going too spoil my day
  21. Merry Christmas all even the grumpy ones
  22. Could have a book going in no time the writings not bad it's good reading
  23. Good we read should put some more up if you got some
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