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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. I still remmber one night out with friends lamping we came across a field took one look seen 20 foxes long story short 20 foxes less funny thing is they put them down every year just about this time you can always tell them apart cos there not like are country foxes there not very smart either and they never last a season most usually have scars from surgery
  2. Feb we start end of shooting season but were digging as we walk as well never really tried in the middle of summer though
  3. There is a few wooded drive and small patches we do every year and it is some times a fight between guns who gets too stand at certain spots cos foxes have been taking the same route year after year

    Mag Box

    How? Have you knocked a toe?went too the pub last night got a call too take care of a Charlie the next day dint stop drinking till 2 woke up feeling like a badgers ass got too my pals enterd the dog and box came up with 2.4 then pushed on to 3.0 and my digging partner was the one in the pub with me till 2 so feeling worse then the dog at this moment in time

    Mag Box

    Any one know if you can get a mag box for humans
  6. Wild Unbroken 2 of the top of my head
  7. Perthshire your nuts using a. 4x4 on the sand knowing the cockle boys used too take every thing out on the beach you never thought about a boat be fecked if I would waste a 4x4 on the mud if your chasing the turbot and would %100 agree with you on the sea trout and salmon it's fine and dandy taking the odd one till that day your caught you fishing on the other side of southerness mate
  8. Had a jimmy for a year would not have another one although it did not cost a lot and was an k cost wise it was f***ing tiny if you have no friends or one dog fine and not bad off-road but not as good as a crew cab pickup for space comfort and going long distances and still having off road capabilities
  9. Why don't you rent one of them rv bus thing
  10. There is a new film just watched the other night called wild it's abit like the film called into the Wild a girl takes a trip across America on foot
  11. Brad Paisley whisky lullaby http://youtu.be/0ME8UiA_CxM


    These boys are not bad can still mind to this day when they were playing at the wicker man in the beer tent there ended up more folk in the beer tent jumping up and down then folk at the main stage
  13. Iam not that far from you just passed castle Douglas the basics I know is mono is illegal you get caught with that stuff you will lose your motor simple same with species if your taking sea trout or salmon of the beach and your seen your done lose motor get done maybe jail or a fine it's they say your meant too put them back in the water but there rarely alive and as long as your not netting a mouth of a river and your in a spot that is tidal you can fish were ever you want now on setting there is a million and 2 different ways too do it every one has there own ways the way I do it is set in
  14. Would be interesting too see a course up close from a different angle
  15. One breed I've never seen in the sw of Scotland
  16. Good job they put a tax on sex................ I'd be due a rebate ! My biggest bugbear is government health warnings being issued by governments who make a fortune out of such vices as tobacco and alcohol. They haven't got the nuts to take one side or the other- drop the taxes and leave smokers alone or ban tobacco completely ! if they banned tobacco there would just be another market for foreign backy like there alrdy is I mean why pay 15 when you can get a pouch for 8
  17. you get a few idiots a box of mackerel is 20/30 pound these days I couldn't tell you the amount of nets I've picked up of the shore it would be about 400 yards of net at least and only needing simple fixes my first ever net was 30 yards of net out of a 100 yards that was dumped cos it was wrapped up tight took me less then q day too cut and untangle one thing I've never understood is leaving nets on the shore cos they can't be assed carrying them back in
  18. only problem with that view is if the farmer or keeper found out I don't think you would be back as the lad said he only has a small bit of permission he's not going too get much more permission if folk find out he is letting them go
  19. it is for me in that location in winter for the last 15 years I've only ever got cod or pollack
  20. In Scotland you can as long as it's not in the salmon river but it's got too be a multi mono up here and I think it's mono in England tircel is clued up on the laws in England I think but you don't need a great big net it's more loacation I've fished with a 30 yard net when I was a young lad and in 1 tide had 18 grey mullet 5 bass and 6 flatys more then one man can eat in a week but a lot of my places my little honey holes as it would be are some times a mins walk from a car park
  21. I meant for the last hunt food and drink not included kind of thing
  22. Aye I don't know what it is I still prefer the leather feel strong stuff gear looks good it's just personal taste
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